Do you think that ponytail - it is too boring and monotonous? No! In simple Ponytail hairstyles have at least seven species in 2012. Try all of them!
1. Curly Ponytail on one side
Ponytail - is not only a hairstyle for the gym or a general cleaning of the house. It can be glamorous and romantic. And the first example in front of you. First, gather your hair into a ponytail, high or low, it mainly depends on the length of hair when the hair is long - you can do a high ponytail, and he will be free to fall over one shoulder. If your hair is medium length, it is best to do the tail low, the length of the hair does not "eat".
Now, take a curling iron and start to curl. Originally obtained when the cascade effect is achieved - for this you need some strands stronger pull, and some leave with a steeper curl.
Use hair gel or hair spray to hair in a ponytail cleaned impeccably. In such a tail hair and so it creates a lot of chaos.
2. Tail "twisted braid"
This tail, of course, can be recorded in the category of the braid. But it seems to me that the principles of the tail followed. After initially collecting the hair elastic - low or middle. And then just like to make out a tail, that it is not flying in the wind and did not interfere.
Divide the tail in two parts. Twist in the flagellum of each half, occasionally spinning around each other, fasten the end of the rubber band - original tail ready!
Photo: rapunzelsresource.wordpress.com
3. Low bushy tail
This tail - from high fashion. The girls on the podium with such hairstyles look luxurious! The secret - the difference in textures: perfectly smooth hair on top contrast with fluff tail. You will have to spend a lot of styling products for such a tail on top of the hair should be both glued and in the tail - keep cool perm special ploykoy- "waffle iron." Splendor can also be achieved, if at bedtime braid small braids, and in the morning their fluff.
4. Double Tail
The original tail and on each day and the party. A definite plus - the hair with bangs may not be long, and double tail to follow them. First, collect part of the hair in a high ponytail, and then all the hair into a low. Although it is possible, like Jennifer Lopez to make two high-tail.
In the double tail can be several variations and they depend not only on the height of the tails and the distance between them, but also on the invoice - a magnificent bouffant, curly locks can also be present in such a tail. By the way, even the stronger sex can appreciate the double tail, one of its promoters, David Beckham.
5. "Princess"
It seems that the tail of "Princess" for sensitive and romantic girls? Even ladies 35+ can wear this hairstyle. It has become very popular in the last year, when there was on the podium. And in 2012, is to continue the trend. It is important in this hairstyle - a high ponytail, wide in the middle and ending one thin curl at the end, a la 50s. Curl can be done with a roller or forceps. Front bangs better comb. A small crown - and you, though a princess!
6. The tail site
For this kind of creative tail fit just right. Besides, it is an occasion to show creativity. After the node you can do whatever you like. You can collect the hair in a bun and pull out the tail. You can make a loop out of the hair at the base of the tail, it is possible - a normal node, which is after the fix.
7. High bushy tail
Classic ponytail in 2012, the year will not be as relevant. An option. In a fashion high ponytail a la 60s. It is best you get when you use a chignon or ponytail invoice. You can make it more diverse due to comb the bangs and smooth hair. Headband - the most trendy accessory for this tail.
