From the earliest epochs of beautiful female skin, wherein even glow and smoothness, it is considered the first sign of aristocratic, sophisticated femininity. And to create such an effect ancient aristocrats used ... powder.
She even invented three thousand years ago in ancient Egypt, and then seized the baton of Greek women. In the heyday of Greece Greek beauty is very actively used white lead, but with great risk to health. But that did not stop and Roman use such a risky cosmetics.
In today's world, women have long enjoyed safe powder from natural and synthetic components. Species powders and there are dozens of colors, so that each of the fairer sex can choose cosmetic products to your liking.

Color palette
There are six basic shades of powder and dozens of variations. Basically stand with testers offer potential buyers a small box with the signatures
natural beige
(natural beige),
medium beige
(medium beige),
(bronze). Six shades at different firms can differ according to the balance of pink and yellow pigments.
Girls swarthy complexion or "ivory" is recommended to take a yellowish powder with a midtone. Light-skinned girl needs a powder with a pinkish tinge. A red-haired green-eyed and perfect "peach" powder.
Light-skinned should pay attention to Japanese brands - Shu Uemura, Shiseido, Moist Labo. They will face literally porcelain. Tanned bronzer-fit means of a series of "Terracotta" Guerlain.
To color powder was flat, it is necessary to put under the foundation or base. The ideal option would be a new product from Shiseido Sheer and Pefect Foundation.

Powder with natural ingredients
Many women prefer to use the means of decorative cosmetics, where there are many natural ingredients. Pupa Bourjois brand and produce low cost compact and loose powder with Biocomplex. They stand in the range of 300-500 rubles per pack.
Caudalie, Holika Holika, A.C. Sunloran produce more expensive loans with exotic and unusual ingredients. They have a high SPF-filter, and thus protect the skin from aggressive sunlight.
Loose or compact?
This question is similar to Hamlet's "To be or not to be? "Concerned thousands of women around the world. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these two species?
Loose powder to create a more "air" make it much easier to bear on the skin, it pollutes less. But, alas, it is not so easy to apply.

Compact powder - ideal for those who sometimes painted on the go. It covers the face of the dense layer, hiding any imperfections and matiruya T-zone. If the face is already a layer of foundation, then powder CD-deposited on top of it, will not allow it "blurred". But this kind of powder sometimes causes irritation to the skin from frequent use, it dries and breaks lipid balance.

How to apply cosmetic powder?
Before applying the skin is treated with a tonic, then applied to the base or foundation makeup, waiting for complete absorption. Makeup artists advise their clients the thick brush to apply powder of fur or a special sponge. This applies not only loose powder, but also compact.
Powder - an irreplaceable thing in the beautician. This means that it must-buy! Guided by our rules, you can learn to make the right make-up with powder and create unforgettable images every day.