Matt silky smooth skin - is always beautiful. However, not every woman can boast of perfect skin. Small pimples, minor redness, of course, you can quickly and easily camouflage concealer, not going into details of makeup, but what do you do when the skin is really a problem? Some experts advise to give up makeup and do primarily eliminating the problem, but few women are willing to go for it. Today we tell about the features of makeup for oily skin. So what should you consider and what to look for when it is running?
Let us skin
Make-up - it is not only and not so much a way to create an unusual way, as much as possible the ability to hide and to correct the deficiencies. Performing makeup for problem skin, you should observe the following rules:
• Use only high-quality, hypoallergenic, nekomedogennuyu cosmetics suitable for your skin type;
• pay more attention to skin smoothing and preparing the skin before applying make-up;
• focuses on the eyes, that is, eye makeup should be bright, so you will distract attention from the imperfections of the skin.
Before you begin to apply makeup, you need to prepare your skin for a problem of this procedure. If you have dry and flaky skin is recommended to make a gentle exfoliation, and then applied to the skin moisturizer for sensitive skin in winter - nutritious, but not earlier than 30-40 minutes before leaving the house in the cold.
If skin is oily with enlarged pores and acne, the best preparation for the application of make-up will be a thorough cleaning of the skin, followed by an ice cube, can infusion of chamomile or mint, do a facial massage. After the massage apply cream with matting and calming effect. The next step will be the selection of toners.

Makeup for problem skin of the face is done as follows:
All face and neck is applied leveling base, it will make the skin more uniform and also provide a better grip and durability of makeup.
Then Dot concealer corrected shortcomings: circles under the eyes and acne. Concealer should be a good shade.
Now comes the important stage: the choice of corrective foundation. Should choose a cream with a very good masking material, but it is not very dense. Thick cream can, on the contrary, to go smoothly, highlighting flaws. Also with very problematic skin is not recommended to choose a cream with reflective particles. This foundation will make the skin oily and shiny in appearance. Prefer matting cream or a complete make-transparent powder. If you have a skin redness and irritation, the best choice will be the foundation and makeup base unusual greenish color. Suppose a color you do not mind. This cream will help to neutralize redness.
A mandatory step in makeup for oily skin is to apply powder and rouge. Powder makes the skin matte, velvety and well-groomed. And with the help of rouge, you will correct the contour and shape of the face. Some girls are neglected blush -
and very vain. The fact that the problem skin toning cover tightly enough and if you do not emphasize the cheekbones, the person may seem flat, appear the most undesirable effect of "mask." Highlighter should be emphasized area under the eyebrows, the inner corners of the eyes, the area under the cheekbones and forehead. Choose a highlighter very delicate, without strong flicker.

When makeup for problem skin basic work necessary to correct deficiencies in the skin of the face. Eye makeup should be quite bright and attract attention, the ideal choice would be smokey ice or cat black arrows.