We all have troubles. Spilling coffee on your favorite dress, rushed out of the house in curlers or sprained foot on level ground. But she is upset over little things, because all the grief the concept of time. Look at life with optimism ... and not lose face!
Save the appeal in unexpected situations is difficult, but possible. Even if handy cosmetic bag with two-three funds. After all, each of them has its own hidden talents. What kind? - We'll tell!
Lip balm
It is believed that the sensual lips - a sign of confidence and an indicator of sexuality. Therefore, every woman feels compelled to wear in the beautician lip balm. In particular, summer and winter, when the delicate skin of the lips requires special attention. Quality means moisturizes, nourishes and gives volume and shine.
But that's not all!
Tube with balsam - an ambulance for your elbows and knees, which suffer from the contraction and peeling. It will soften dry skin and even receive medical treatment them.
Balm - a perfect assistant in order to give the desired shape brows. Many cosmetologists prefer to use it to them! Apply a bit of money on their eyebrows and comb special comb or brush. As a result - the perfect gloss.
Liquid Body Cream
An indispensable tool after showering or bathing. Excellent moisturizes the skin and gives it a feeling of bliss. Cleanliness and food - what could be better?
But that's not all!
If on the face before applying to join a small amount of tonal means liquid body cream, you end up with a lighter consistency, which falls on the face smoother and does not form a mask effect. Perfectly smooth, natural skin tone will delight you and others!
And if suddenly you have ended up remover tool, remove makeup from the face to help the liquid cream. Just apply it on the skin, leave for two or three minutes, and then carefully remove the cloth.
Dry shampoo
The fact that this kind of shampoo lifesaver when there is no time to wash your hair fully known to all. To freshen the hairstyle, do not need water, quick cleaning is carried out with just one hand movement.

But that's not all!
In addition, a dry shampoo that removes hair from the burden of pollution, it is also able to give them volume. Spray on the hair roots and gently nacheshite them with a comb. The lush mane of hair for a few hours you will be provided.
If you are a fan of dyeing, dry shampoo clarified strands give luster and shine. Take a few zilch from a container on the lock and fold it. The effect will make you happy!
Brown mascara
According to the make-up, it is brown instead of black ink should be applied to the eyelashes fair-haired girl with white skin. It gently and naturally leads the eye, visually making lashes thicker and longer.
But that's not all!
Having a handy bottle with an agent, you can adjust not only the eyes, but eyebrows. Just wipe the mascara brush on a tissue, leaving little money for it, and Draw eyebrows in the right place. Expressive of the arc and the ideal form would be the result of your efforts.
Even with the help of brown mascara can disguise gray hair. But this trick only for the dark haired women. If you have to use this method of disguise, make sure that your waterproof mascara ... and do not forget to buy hair dye.
Moisturizing cream
To please the skin hydration and nutrition in the morning and before going to bed - the norm for each cosmetic beauty. Good cream nourishes the skin with moisture and, if necessary, removes inflammatory processes.
But that's not all!
If you apply a moisturizer on dry ends of hair after washing, it moisturize and heal them. The bonus will be elastic and shiny look of your mane. So simple and so effective!

Brown shade of matte texture
With skillful use of a means of "improving" the shape of the eye, giving the look light and depth.
But that's not all!
If blush brush to apply a little shadow on her cleavage, you will add to your bust additional charm and seductiveness. Be sure to carefully shade "smears" and imposes a lot of money, you need only a shadow.
Pink Lipstick
Handsome, rich and natural color of the lips it guarantees on its core characteristics.
But that's not all!
Pink lipstick can also serve as a blush. Few funds apply to cheekbones and blend with your fingers. A healthy glow on the face provided to you. But this trick is only valid in respect of funds which are not very oily texture with silky shimmer. Matte lipstick and pearl for this business are no good!
Lotion with salicylic acid
He needs care, like air or water. After all, what other means as quickly and effectively remove dead skin cells and accelerate its upgrade?
But that's not all!
Lotion may be your assistant in intimate matters in preparation for waxing. A few days before the cosmetic procedures, start treating lotion areas of the body requiring hair removal. Its exfoliating action alert ingrown hairs, and the result of hair removal will be more persistent.
Another lotion with salicylic acid - an effective tool to combat the inflammation and acne. Dot Apply a lotion on the problem and the rash will go away.
Be beautiful always and everywhere, despite the circumstances!
Author: Natalia Bartukova