Fashion make-up on, like clothing, is constantly changing: some trends appear and some disappear. Keep track of all of them is quite difficult. But to always look fashionable and important enough to remember the timeless trends that are unlikely to leave the trendy list of "haute couture".
1. Aes Smokey (Smokey eyes) or smoky eyes
It seems that this trend is mentioned constantly and everywhere. And not without reason, as it has consistently ranked in the trendy list. Smokey Aes - the most simple and most classic way to create a sexy and attractive image. It is well suited for evening events.

Variations smoky eye set. For example, they can be created using three shades combined with each other (for example, silver, gray, black). Silver shade is necessary to put on an extreme corner of the century (near the temple), leaving a bit of distance between the eyebrows, and a good shade. Gray spend on crease, slightly above the previous shadow. And the darkest shades of the triangle applied to the corner of the eye. All gently shade and complement fuzzy liner lines above and below, with an emphasis on the outer corners. It remains to fluff up the bulk of black eyelashes mascara, and Smokey Aes ready.
2. Cat's Eye
The tendency of the cat's eyes swept the podium for a long time and has become a classic. With a woman's makeup is easily transformed into a sexy and gentle cat. For this is just a cut around the black eye pencil, adhering to the lash line - from the corner to the end of the century, and a little wrapped up. Before the victory "take-off" line at the outer corner of the eye should be made fatter.

Options feline look like Smokey Aes lot where a thin line is used, somewhere thicker, somewhere long "ups", where a short, etc. One can try different methods and to choose that most face.

3. "Sunset Eyes"
This trend is clearly guessed oriental motifs. The golden color of the shadow gives the look of warmth and femininity. At the same time you can safely experiment with color. The main thing that was the basis for light shade and a dark top was done. One should not forget about the fascinating liner.

Unambiguous translations for phrases SHOW-STOPPER are hard to find. But the general meaning of the term - something that causes a complete delight, admiration for a strong reaction. This make-up makes the image memorable. Beautiful gradient transfusion shadows brilliantly combined with intense eyeliner - a good way to draw attention to themselves. The colors you can choose any. The main thing is to make-up was brilliant in the literal and figurative senses.

5. The black shadows in the grunge style
This make-up with something similar to the previous trend, but it looks much sharper and bolder: the shadow of the black shade liberally applied to the entire eyelid and doctored a dense line of eyeliner. This bow attributed to the style of grunge, which is on the verge of an elegant neatness and daring untidiness. If you are not so brave, it can be just a little shade darker shade of shadow on the outer side of the century.

6. Shimmering glitter and glam
Sparkles silver and gray shades of shadows - the favorite in the haute couture shows. Flickering shadows in conjunction with the "cat" black eyeliner can create the look of this glamorous diva. Best of all this mejk looks up with chic long fluffy eyelashes (possible with patch) and bright lipstick.

7. Va Va Voom Lashes or false eyelashes
Perhaps no ink does not meet the challenge - to give the lashes and volume, and length, and twisting. But false eyelashes achieve effect immediately. Famous beauties often they are used. To achieve naturalness better to put mascara on the eyelashes in the middle of the artificial hand. Of course, an element of make-up - not every day, but in the case where you need to be particularly unique and charming - it just right.

8. bronze shade
Complete makeup shadows and pencils brown and metallic shades. Flickering shadows pleasant warm palette will help to create a mysterious and attractive image with a slight cat-themed. But there is more than a hint homepage Kitty, and to the representative of wildlife. For best effect should be added to the fold eyelids closer to the outer corner of the eye dark tones.

9. White Lights
This is definitely one of those ways to make up, which is quite simple and easily performed. But do not underestimate its magnetic force. White, sparkling eyes glow strip doubles and attracts additional attention to them. No need to apply it to the entire eye contour, it is sufficient to white or light silver pencil on the lash line from the inner corner to the beginning of the century, painted, and bottom - around the eye contour. Accent inner corner of a bold outline.

To be continued...