This year has made a real breakthrough in the field of new products for home manicure. Professional techniques became available. Today, we give advice on how to use the stickers for the nails.
Indeed, there is a real boom stickers (stickers) polish. If before they were used only in the salons of the wizard, and then we saw these new items from brands, specializing in products for manicure (Sally Hansen, Minx, Essie). And now even the mass-market brands have exceptional beauty and quality stickers for the nails. Now there are stickers for nail art collections Mac, Revlon, L'Oreal.
Most liked stickers by Sally Hansen. Firstly, a very rich palette of patterns. Secondly, the promised 10 days wear these stickers stand (I checked!). And, thirdly, in a package not only stickers, but still stick to the cuticle, as well as detailed instructions for beginners.
Packaging labels from Sally Hansen
We do yourself!
Step 1.
Prepare the nails. If there are irregularities, roughness, it is better to remove them nail file. Cuticle stick, move to the sticker fell exactly into the hole of the nail. But do not soak your nails! They must be completely dry. Stickers will not interact with wet nails, so work only on dry skin!

Step 2.
Remove dust from sawing and fat from the nail using nail polish remover.

Choose the desired label. Remove the protective film from the sticker and place it on the nail to the cuticle rounded edge. Keep the label of the white edge. Smooth if the bubbles were formed. Only proceed carefully so as not to move the label. Tear off the sticker section for which you practice. Do not worry, that edge is not perfect, we will deal with him later. This is done in order not to get lost in the long edges of the sticker. Repeat for all the nails.

Step 4.
Now the "cut off" stickers on the edge of the nail. To do this, presses his hands on the edge of the nail. Movement just down! If you act in the opposite direction, the label will break! The edges of the gash.

Just a couple of minutes, and nails "Galaxy" are ready. And if you make this design your own, it would take a lot more devices.

How to remove the strip-nail stickers?
First, it is worth saying a few words about how to extend the life of the stickers. Immediately after application do not soak nails earlier than 2 hours. I once made the mistake, and now look what happened:

Nail stickers do not like water
Over labels can paint varnish, making this way the individual design:

From labels can make applications, they fit well with each other.

Stickers for nails, in principle, does not require a special fixing. But if you want to keep the coverage as long as possible, you can put the upper protective coating for extra gloss and protection against chips and cracks.
And now about removing labels. Sami stickers - is essentially a thin layer of nail polish. Therefore, the need to remove them as you normally remove the varnish. That is, the nail polish remover. Put on a cotton swab little nail polish remover, apply the swab to the nail, push, hold a minute. Then the sticker is easy to depart.
Choose your design and enjoy professional salon effects nail art!

Photo: photo of the author, refinery29.com