Trousers, ties, jackets, shorts ... You probably already guessed that combines a number given for clothes? Well, of course! All these things the ladies in his time successfully pulled from the male wardrobe and irreversibly implemented in their own. So this season, the women have just a little feminine blouses with ruffles ruffles yes. Now in their area of focus shirt!
The fashion for tight pants with low waist in a moment made unfit to wear a good half of the female wardrobe. In combination with said trouser trend all short blouses and T-shirts make a woman the object of sharp criticism. Bare belly somehow sharply from rage moved into the category of taste and lack of arrogance. From self-exposure we are all tired. In addition, the health of women, it is not added. Exhaled with relief and women whose figures are far from perfect, and bellies fit to decorate rather than put on public display.
Not surprisingly, in these conditions, women shopped carefully elongated silhouette of a man's shirt.
Strict white shirt with stand-up collar men's fashion in the British introduced in the 18th century. It is believed that the said stand-up collar and is distinguished by shirt blouses. In the classic sense of the shirt suggests a minimum of decoration, straight cut and strict silhouette line. In addition to stand-up collar shirt indispensable attribute - a shelf with buttons.
The white shirt was and remains a symbol of aristocracy and wealth. Although no less gallant men look and black and blue and salmon shirts.
But we are not about men. Women began to wear shirts in the 70s of the 20th century. For the most part, chosen by business shirt lady. But to date, actual shirt woman in the office and at home, and at the club and in the journey and a walk.
It is difficult to imagine a piece of clothing, which would not fit shirt.
For the office more appropriate light-colored shirt colors from white to pink or blue. No less important in the office will look and black shirt, under which you can afford to contrast light, in a cage, striped or mottled bottom. The role of the latter - can serve classic trousers, a pencil skirt or capris elongated if it allows the dress code.
In the office the same way as the actual looks neatly tucked into a skirt or trousers shirt and long version shirt untucked, underlined with a thin belt. Spice up your business image will give such an accessory as a tie.
For a walk or a party would be the perfect combination of shirt and jeans, riding breeches, skirts or shorts balloon. Very important in this season still looks tight silhouette pants, leggings under a dress shirt, emphasized at the waist strap.
For extended voyage shirt-dress military style or safari harmoniously fit you into a dreamy image of the traveler.
And, of course, a natural plaid flannelette shirt is indispensable at home. It would be nice to dive under the blanket on your sofa, to meet her man to work and even take the guests who came unexpectedly.
Very harmonious, comfortable and of course will look at you the shirt together with jeans or cargo pants during outings with family or friends on the nature.
In short, the only thing you risk to acquire a new face - it's the fact that you will not soon be able to evict her from her dressing room. Appearing there once, it will at all times remain popular and relevant.
And in conclusion I would like to note that on a shirt female attacks on male wardrobe not end there. Socialite go further and put today's bashes not only shirts but shirts and elongated in the manner of men. But that's another story and topic for another article ...
