Fashion experiment: prepare the water of life (+ walkthroughs photos)
 What to drink water from the tap is bad, we all learned, it seems, from the cradle. The fact that bottled water is devoid of any useful elements, we are also well informed. At one point it seemed that the water source, beating from the earth, is able to solve the problem of delivery of the house "living" water, and all of us take the time and gasoline, have rushed to such well-room crowds with plastic canisters. But soon there were disturbing reports that this water is dangerous to health without boiling, as the soil through which it flows, is very dirty. Expensive filters are also deprived of water most useful elements and the function of artificial saturation of water after pre-treatment, it leaves a lot of questions, and at the price of such a procedure bites. How to be? Where to get a "live" water?

Today we will prepare it from ordinary tap water with a prescription known spirituality modern Vadim Zeland. Before proceeding to this useful experiment, we will have to go to the drugstore and buy a black flint stones.

 Fashion experiment: prepare the water of life (+ walkthroughs photos)

We also need an enamel pan or bowl and a plastic bottle. After the necessary arrangements will be made, we proceed to the preparation of "living" water.

Step 1.   Type in an enamel pan or bowl with tap water and give it to settle.

 Fashion experiment: prepare the water of life (+ walkthroughs photos)

Step 2.   Please be settled tap water to a boil "white key" (before the first columns pimple). To do this, do not be lazy podezhurit stove to watch this short time.

 Fashion experiment: prepare the water of life (+ walkthroughs photos)

STEP 3.   Let cool quickly in cold water bath. Thus, the water passes a first structuring step. This drinking water is much more useful than the usual boiled. And in order not to scratch the enamel bowl bottom of the tub, you can use any padding: foam, cloth, etc.

 Fashion experiment: prepare the water of life (+ walkthroughs photos)

Step 4.   Put in a bowl of black silicon 5-7 pebbles and cover it with gauze or a lid. In this form, leaving it for two days. If you are distracted by something, and after 2 days time to prepare the living water you were not, no big deal. The longer the silicon will remain in the water, the better it cleaned.

 Fashion experiment: prepare the water of life (+ walkthroughs photos)

Step 5.   Carefully pour the water in another container. But it must be remembered that silicon is precipitate from foreign pathogens and chemicals. Therefore, transfusion of 2-4 cm of the lower layer of water left in the first container. The resulting silicon water is more structured, and has healing properties. After the silicon is a trace element that helps the absorption of other trace elements, and thus normalizes metabolism.

 Fashion experiment: prepare the water of life (+ walkthroughs photos)

Step 6.   The resulting silicon water put in the freezer. From time to time we look into the freezer and ensure that when the outside walls of the bowl will begin to form the first ice. Once this happens, pour the water out of the bowl into a plastic container and returns to the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. From the first to get rid of ice due to the fact that it is nothing else than the "hard" water. It comprises isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium, because of what is unfavorable for the organism. But, fortunately, the "heavy water" freezes at + 3 ° C, so that we can easily get rid of it.

 Fashion experiment: prepare the water of life (+ walkthroughs photos)

Step 7. So getting rid of the first ice crust, we pour water from a plastic enamelware. For the last frost, we do not accidentally use plastic containers. The fact that with a long stay in the cold enamel pot may crack.

 Fashion experiment: prepare the water of life (+ walkthroughs photos)

Step 8.   We wait until the water freezes at 2/3, then Do the ice hole and pour through all the water remaining unfrozen. We do it because it it contains unwanted impurities.

 Fashion experiment: prepare the water of life (+ walkthroughs photos)

Step 9.   Frozen water from the refrigerator and wait until it melts. The result is a protium water of the highest quality. It is completely free of heavy isotopes.

 Fashion experiment: prepare the water of life (+ walkthroughs photos)

Step 10.   To strengthen the structure of the produced water, it is necessary to pass it through a ring-shaped magnet or magnetic funnel.

 Fashion experiment: prepare the water of life (+ walkthroughs photos)

Unfortunately, for all the complexity of its production, "living" water has a very short shelf life. Its medicinal properties are preserved only about 7 hours. But this water you will never buy. And eating it regularly, you cleanse the body and get rid of many diseases. But it's worth the time you spend preparing it. Be healthy!
Author: Natalia Hryshko