The Power Plant + Modern Technology = Beauty
 "The power of herbs is large, and there is no place on earth where the grass does not grow." Tibetan treatise "Chzhud-shek"

For millennia, the plants used in the cosmetic and medical purposes. From generation to generation passed on the recipes of beauty and health. Now cosmetic industry, after the "boom synthetic" returns to natural sources, but on a new level, creating a bodycare.

Phytocosmetics   (from the Greek. "phyto" - plant) - a high-quality cosmetics, which has a natural base of plant origin (70% of medicinal plant extracts) and manufacturing according to the latest research developments. But it should be noted that the composition of phyto as any other cosmetics includes both natural and synthetic ingredients (vegetable extracts, vitamins, phytohormones, preservatives, perfumes, etc., aromatic)

Important!   Before use in the manufacture of cosmetics, all the raw material is subjected to a comprehensive pharmacological, botanical, chemical, clinical trials.

Action phytocosmetics
  • The combination of herbal ingredients leads to a synergistic effect, that is the action of one of them effectively complements and enhances the action of another, increasing the range of effects on the skin and the organism as a whole.

  • The action of plant components is enhanced by introducing biotechnology products (enzymes, vitamins, polysaccharides), whereby activated protective and regenerative functions of the skin.

  • Action phytocosmetics much softer than synthetic analogues.

Interesting!   Plants in cosmetics may be used in its natural form and in the form of various medicinal forms. For the preparation of the latter is used mostly dried plants or parts thereof.

Effect on the skin of different substances of vegetable origin

Tannins   or tannins, bactericidal, astringent and anti-inflammatory action, tone the skin, soothe irritation. Contained in the bark of oak, grass St. John's wort, wormwood, rhubarb, sage, yarrow drug, garnet and others. Useful in acne and skin shirokoporistoy, used to strengthen the hair.

Pectin   - Gelled intercellular substance. They lower active harmful microorganisms, inhibit putrefaction, promote healing of wounds, fractures, weaken inflammation, rejuvenate and refresh the skin. Contained in oranges, cherries, cranberries, gooseberries, lemons, beets, plums, black currants, rose hips, apples.

Flavonoids   - Constituents of many plants (rose, cornflower, sage, and so on. D.) - Reduce inflammation, normalize lipid and protein metabolism in the cells.

Essential oils   - A fragrant and highly concentrated extract of leaves, flowers, roots and bark. Essential oils in a pure form may contain up to 50 ingredients. Essential oils have astringent, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

Resins   - Solid or semi-solid organic substance with a characteristic odor, similar in chemical composition to essential oils. For external use have disinfectant and wound-healing effect

Fatty oils   (almond, olive, sunflower, etc.) protect the skin from drying out, make it supple, soft and elastic, protect it from dust, cold, sun and other adverse external influences.

Hydroxy acids   (natural fruit acids: citric, lactic, salicylic, etc.). These acids have a wide action. They dissolved substance gluing surface keratin scales, leading to their exfoliation (chemical peels) and skin renewal. The acids have powerful moisturizing and moisture-holding action, stimulate the immune processes in the skin, which also contributes to its renewal.

Interesting!   The Egyptian queen Cleopatra made a mask out of clay, fruit seeds, seaweed, exotic plants and long supports young skin. Even in old age, she was considered unsurpassed beauty.
Author: Inna Sedykh