New from Remington - an absolute must-have any woman who wants to get a lush volume at the roots of the hair. Incredibly easy to use, powerful air styler AS7055-curlers with a set of interchangeable nozzles allow you to create a luxurious curls, waves and volume that will remain throughout the day!
This device - a great alternative to the classic curlers or installation via brushing. You no longer have to suffer and waste time and effort to create the ideal image. All you now need - to choose one of three curlers proposed a set of diameters and cheat on them hair. Everything else styler DIY!
The set includes 15 nozzles 3 different diameters. Therefore, every time you will be able to select the desired size of curls, depending on your preference and mood. In addition, a set of enclosed head with a comb, with which you can easily tweak the ends of their hair or just give them volume at the roots without creating curls. A nozzle hub makes this device even more versatile because you can use it just for drying hair.

Price: 2 490 rubles.
If the creation of high-quality and beautiful styling robs you of the lion's share of precious time, you should definitely try a new
hairdryer PRO-Air AC5999
Primarily, this device is extremely versatile and easy to use. The kit includes a diffuser that helps to give volume and shine to your curls and Narrow concentrator (7mm) allows you to straighten your hair and make them smoother. The function of the ion air removes excess static electricity from the hair and prevent their electrifying. This function is carried out by means of ion generator is a mandatory attribute of hair dryers Remington with AC motors. Its purpose -minimizirovat electrostatic voltage, to prevent tangling of the hair and as a consequence, their fragility and bundle structure. Even during prolonged heat styling hair remains healthy and shiny! A mode "Turbo" will help dry the hair for a few minutes, if you need be.
The main advantage of the dryer by Remington AC5999 is that he is AC motor commonly used in professional devices for drying and styling hair. Because of this, it has a high capacity (2300 W), which allows you to dry your hair in minutes.

Price: 2 590 rubles.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova