You love rock 'n' roll? You can listen to music so that neighbors knocked on the battery? A "spark" at the concert of your favorite band? Then this contest is for you!
New competition that we conduct on myJulia.ru focused on two things - food and rock 'n' roll!
Prepare this dish RocknRolla, take a picture of the process and outcome, and, of course, write - why do you think this dish is suitable for those who live with a rock 'n' roll in the shower.
Three user whose recipes will be the most correct, the most rock 'n' roll, will receive 2 tickets to the concert
Which will be held May 24 in Moscow.
Aerosmith's Speech in Moscow on May 24 will be an outstanding event in the musical life of the capital and will please many fans of hard rock and heavy metal. Concert tickets
We are now on sale and soon the bad guys from Boston arrange his famous show, known throughout the world by millions of fans of hard rock.
At this time the musicians will perform not only their famous hits, but also songs from the new album Music from Another Dimension, which was released in November 2012. This is the first studio album released by the group Steven Tyler in the last eight years. Previous disc Honkin 'on Bobo climbed to fifth place on the Billboard 200 and was certified gold. However, it should be noted that almost all the songs on the disc are cover versions, executed in the blues tradition, typical Aerosmith.

Participate here & gt; & gt; & gt;
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova