I started the competition from online lingerie shop Lascana.ru, which runs until 15 May 2014. The winner will receive a prize trip to a casting LASCANA Hamburg. Four of the participants will be awarded certificates for 4000 rubles.
To enter the contest, users need from 14 April to 15 May 2014 cheerful post photos on the site online lingerie shop
. The photograph contestant should be presented in full growth in a bathing suit or underwear, and if desired, you can add a video. For photos and videos need to show Brazilian temperament and ability to enjoy life - it is one of the main conditions! Take part in the competition can only women older than 18 years, as in the case of winning the competition participants will have to go beyond Russia for personal participation in the casting and the media presentation.
The winner will be determined by online voting, which will take place on the site Lascana from April 14 to May 15, as well as taking into account the opinion of the jury of the organizer. Results will be announced on the website and in the official group Lascana social network
In contact with
The main prize - a tour "Journey to the casting LASCANA». The composition prize includes participation in the casting, which will be held in Hamburg from 11 to 14 June, hotel accommodation, air travel and visa support. In the casting will be selected the winner who will take part in the filming of promotional video Lascana, participated in the fashion show Lascana Bikini and will receive a trip to Brazil.
Prizes are available to participants of the second level, which took place from the second to the fifth. Winners will receive certificates with par value 4,000 rubles, which can be used to buy clothes and lingerie online Lascana.

About the company:
The online store is represented lingerie, swimwear, beachwear and homewear. Also on the site you can choose clothes for men. The company provides a wide range of products, a variety of brands in the segment and Everyday Fashion. On the website you can find tips on caring for things, help in choosing the size and learn about the types of clothes. Highly qualified specialists are happy to provide advice to clients on any issue.
7 (495) 662 57 00
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova