One of the artists painted what should be the eyes of women each of the 12 signs of the zodiac. Make sure you are covered by the concept of "a typical representative of your sign?"
Author of the project - the artist Slaughterose. He made this scheme for the 12 signs of the zodiac. I consider when creating descriptions of women of different signs of the zodiac by astrologers and astro-psychology, as well as recommendations on the make-up of these characters.

Your eye makeup and preferences correspond hunches artist?
Tip - translation into Russian title characters:
- Virgo - Virgo
- Aries - Aries
- Pisces - Pisces
- Leo - Leo
- Libra - Libra
- Scorpio - Scorpio
- Gemini - Gemini
- Sagittarius - Sagittarius
- Cancer - Cancer
- Capricorn - Capricorn
- Aquarius - Aquarius
- Taurus - Taurus
Author: MyCharm.ru: Julia Gnedina