From 16 to 19 September was held in Moscow 2nd International Specialized Exhibition EXPO 2013- BBQ only Russian exhibition of equipment, supplies, tools and accessories for barbecue, grilling, barbecue, as well as the whole complex of related products for outdoor recreation.
This year, in an area of 2000 sq. m in two halls of the fifth pavilion "Expocentre" hosting more than 100 companies from 11 countries: Australia, Belarus, Germany, Italy, China, Russia, Ukraine, France, and drugih.Uchastniki from Germany and China presented its products as part of collective national exposures. The exhibition was uchastiekrupneyshie world manufacturer of BBQ: Beef Eater, BIAG, Big Green Egg, Grillkoff, Landmann, Marshall Smokers, Napoleon, Primo Grill, Weber Stephen, and others. According to preliminary data of the exhibition was visited by more than 7 thousand. - Representatives wholesale and retail trade, public catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, catering) as well as private customers - potential buyers.
The exhibition brings together the professional community to make joint efforts to facilitate the movement of domestic and foreign manufacturers of equipment and accessories for a barbecue on the Russian market. Practical orientation "Barbecue Expo" - an opportunity for the food and related industries to establish new business contacts and open the development and diversification of the business, successfully create and develop their dealer networks in the Russian Federation, to meet with the highest number of partners, see industry trends and future prospects.

On the first day of the exhibition official opening ceremony. In a solemn ceremony with a welcoming speech to the guests and participants addressed:
Strigun Mikhail Petrovich
- Director of the organization of exhibitions of "Euroexpo"
Yengoyan Artem Vartanovich
- President of the Russian Association Barbecue, Mr.
Norbert L. Yedrau
- Managing Director Products Manufacturers Association Barbecue BIAG, Mr.
- Editor in Chief Fire & Food,
Yushin Sergey E.
- The head of the executive committee of the National Meat Association of Russia, and
Guseva Elena G.
- Project Manager Directorate of guest exhibitions of ZAO "Expocentre" .Pochetnye guests noted the progress of the exhibition and the pace of market development barbecue in Russia, wished the participants lucrative contracts and new perspectives.
All the days of the exhibition at the exhibitors' stands, were presented the equipment. "Euro-Grill" held a presentation of coal and gas grills Napoleon® (Canada), who first poyavilisv Russia. The event took place on a show of culinary guru - an expert number one in Germany for a barbecue Andreas Rummel. Exhibitor Primo Grills and Smokers showed a new line of ceramic grills have received well-deserved confidence in the US. The company "Barbecue House" held workshops for the preparation of grilled Beef Eater. ECK-Grilland Outdoor Cooking introduced new equipment. His presentation held company founder Franz Eck and author of popular books on cooking Stalic Khankishiev.

The program of events has been even more intense than last year and attracted the attention of a large number of visitors. The first day took place
BBQ show "The whole pig on the grill '
. The event was organized by the Russian Association of BBQ, and show partners Agribusiness Holding "Miratorg", LLC "Barbecue House», Kotanyi, LLC "Gals-Trade".
In the second day of the exhibition on September 17, the Russian Association of BBQ Festival held
, Which was attended by 6 professional grill bosses largest restaurants. Participants of the festival prepared dishes in 4 categories: poultry, beef, lamb, dessert.
Grand Prix
with the title of the festival
Academician of the Russian Academy BBQ
and the title
Big Grill Boss
Paul got Galkovsky company ARPIKOM.
The best dish of poultry
"Prepared Ilya Kazakov, restaurant" Torro Grill ", and
"The best dish of beef"
- Andrew Haluk, chef of the restaurant of the same;
"The best dish of lamb"
- Michael Yegiazarov, lounge-cafe "London" (Belgorod);
"The best desserts from the grill"
- Yuri Rodin, restaurant "Cafe Blanc"; People's Choice Award
"The spirit of the barbecue"
Dmitry was Lazko, ABH "Miratorg".

On the final day of the exhibition Russian Association held a BBQ
BBQ media CUP 2013
. Representatives of the "rape", "Radio Russia" and the team "Partnership culinary responsibility" competed in cooking on the grill.
According to the results of the contest were distributed as follows:
1 place
and the Goblet
"Jury Prize"
He received the command "culinary Liability Partnership".
2nd place
and the Goblet
"The spirit of the barbecue"
- A team of rape.
3rd place
and the Goblet
"Audience Choice"
- Team Radio Russia.
The company "Euroexpo", the organizer of the exhibition "Barbecue Expo" expresses particular gratitude for support in the organization and holding of the exhibition - the Russian Association Barbekyui World Barbeque Association Russia, the Association of producers of goods for the BBQ - BIAG (Germany), "Expocentre", the companies "Miratorg "and" Barbecue House "for assistance in the gastronomic activities and information partneramza media coverage!
Official website
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova