We can say that this kid was pregnant and gave birth to the whole United Kingdom. No sooner had the future king to be born, as after 26 hours after birth, he showed an enthusiastic audience. Leaving the hospital, William joked: "Thank God, like her son!"
Kate's parents, Carole and Michael, became the first member of the family, who happened to see the baby. Then came Prince Charles and Camilla, who told reporters: "You will see it in a minute!". And indeed, soon appeared radiant with happiness couple with a child in her arms. Kate appeared before photographers, as always, with idelano coiffed hair, summer lilac dress with polka dots. Duchess of Cambridge told the press: "It was very emotional! Any parent will understand me."
After leaving the hospital, the royal couple with the baby went to Kensington Palace
Baby name has not yet been selected. We are waiting for the news!

Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova