Beyonce admits that by nature she was not skinny. It is one of those people who, in order to achieve a beautiful figure, a lot of work on themselves. In January last year, she became a mother, and, in an interview with US magazine Shape, admitted that during pregnancy scored 26 extra kilos! And just 3 months after childbirth was appointed concert. Knowing now how difficult it was to return the previous figure, Beyonce said that would never have agreed to such a rapid return to the stage!
The singer told in an interview that deeply regrets the fact that she had to expose the body to stress such as rapid weight loss after childbirth. Beyonce deeply convinced that women should accept the fact that we are all different, and focus primarily on their health, and not on the scale.
"People should not be the same. Be healthy and take care of yourself, but at the same time, enjoy the beautiful things that make you unique"
- She says.

So how did Beyonce managed to lose weight quickly after giving birth:
Firstly, dance cardio workout.
Secondly, 80% of excess weight, according to the singer, took by eliminating many foods, including her favorite pasta.

"I switched to a low calorie diet. I gave up red meat and eat a lot of fish. Pasta and rice replaced in the movie."
"I always have breakfast, for example, scrambled egg whites, vegetable smoothie drink or cook whole-grain breakfast with skim milk. For lunch and dinner, I eat a lot of fish and vegetables. And during the day I try to drink a lot of water."
"On Sunday I can allow myself to indulge and one dish, which is very much want to. Usually, this is my favorite pizza."

During pregnancy
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova