"In order to benefit from the advice lovely ladies resort to the classical method of carrot and stick. First a little whip. If you do not act like ugly hypocrite who thinks only kind of beauty spiritual beauty, the beauty - it is when men look back on the street. Dart hoarse nose and sneezing woman can not be beautiful. Lazy opponent high heels, too, can not qualify for a beautiful shape of the buttocks and beautiful long legs.
The woman does not appear a couple of times a month for manicure-pedicure, especially the web manicure studio Lena Lenina, can not be considered beautiful, that is, well-groomed
. The woman has no idea of the integrated laser hair removal, scientific and technological progress in cosmetology and injections of hyaluronic acid, it can not be beautiful, except in the eyes of the orangutan or mountain feral loneliness macho
. Wash hair and walking to the barber would not receive such an extension, if the world would live alone woman
. They have no one to look back and then to him no one would have sniffed
. Today shampoo with aphrodisiacs Lovely by Egomania & ELena Lenina hitting record lows, which is understandable, because men react to the smell erotikostimuliruyuschy
. Beautiful woman knows that lipstick and nail polish can only be red and shiny, expensive underwear and earrings - rings
. Beautiful woman knows what to say and when
. And yet she is able to convince her man, her red convertible sports car or a necklace of fashion house "Pearl Compound" - is raising its status
. See for yourself, go to the gigs just beautiful women, while others prefer the metro
. They're a strange paradox, like remote areas for living and poor quality shoes
. And the men they choose poor and stupid
. The woman who confuses himself with the trash, shoving in my mouth cheap high-calorie foods and engaging in sports, ugly
. Talking nonsense, fighting a frying pan and screaming obscenities good at the kid, too disgusting ugly
. It is strange that there are still ugly, because in this year's fashion beautiful, healthy and intelligent!

And now here's the carrot. More precisely, a few tips specific rehabilitation procedures after winter.
- Learn how to use her husband or boyfriend for a thorough application of a nourishing cream or olive oil on the whole body. For you - the good, for him - erotic pleasure. If it does not turn to force, it means lost time teacher and erotic stimuli were drowned in the stream of routine acts and you have to start a lover.
The second
- A lack of vitamin D, which is formed in the body when exposed to sunlight propose to fill opening a window on a sunny day, closing his eyes and putting, despite the cold spring air, his face and whole body to the sun for a few minutes.
- Go with her friends for the whole day in the bath parilschitsami, masseurs and natural exfoliation of honey or coffee grounds. At the same time, the soul will take in the emotional outpourings and complaints of her husband that will replace the expensive sessions at the psychoanalyst.
- Urgently stabbed boards refrigerator, remembering that sugar and flour - the most important enemies of harmony and longevity, which means health and beauty.
And finally,
- Get increase their own self-esteem, remembering the 43rd Paris Hilton shoe size, shape of the nose, Barbara Streisand, negative breast size Keira Knightley, length, sorry, Nelly Furtado korotkoviznu legs and waist Oprah Winfrey. "
Photos and text: Press Office Lena Lenina
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova