Soon will come in April, the first day of which - the World Day of laughter, and laughter, as it is known, prolongs life and gives a positive charge!
Site Diets.ru and publishing house "Eksmo" invite you to take part in the competition funny demotivators. Create your demotivator, place it in the comments to this entry - from 24 March to 31 March 2013 inclusive, - and win great prizes from the sponsor of the contest publishing house "Eksmo"!
The first prize will determine the user voting - that is, it takes the author demotivators, who gained the most votes.
The second prize will determine the choice of the administration Diets.ru
The third prize will be determined by selection of the representatives of the sponsor of the contest publishing house "Eksmo".
The winners of this contest will receive a free set of excellent books:
Maria Metlitskaya "Diary in-law," Tatiana Bulatov "Mom soap frame" Inna Bachinskaya "His key to the door of a stranger."

On the rules of competition, and other important things & gt; & gt; & gt;
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova