Beautiful and well-groomed hands - every woman's dream! However, it came the first cold front of a long winter, and this is particularly stressful for the delicate skin of the hands. Proper daily care and SOS-tips from Nivea to help preserve the health and beauty of your hands.
In autumn, when the weather is not warm happy, we are often trying to warm his hands under running hot water. Forget this habit! Hot water is very dangerous for the skin because it can cause drying and flaking.
Even harmless procedure of cleansing can lead to overdrying of the skin of hands, because it is practically devoid of natural protection from moisture loss. Wash your hands with warm water only, and instead of soap, use a mild detergent with a neutral pH-value.
Once a week, clean your hands with scrubs. This procedure makes the skin more elastic and help prepare for the subsequent application of nourishing cream.
In order to "water treatment" did not lead to dry skin, wipe your hands thoroughly and apply a nourishing cream on them.
All winter your skin is exposed repeatedly to frost, moisture and dry air in the room. To counter these stressors will help warm bath with herbal infusions (such as chamomile, sage, oak bark, stinging nettle, or lime-colored).
Do not be tempted to get rid of get tired of winter gloves as soon as the sun peeks and the thermometer approaches zero. Keep your hands pleasantly warm as long as possible, it will keep the skin health.
In the cold season it is particularly important to nourish your skin "from within" - with the help of a balanced diet. For beauty and health of the skin, it is important to have in your diet every day were a variety of fruits that contain vitamins A and E.
In the cold season the skin needs a nourishing hand (not moisturizing!) Cream. The rule is applied daily to the skin
Balm for hands
. Use it every day right after cleansing and before going out: gentle massage with this tool will help preserve the beauty of your handles and health.

Balm for hands
intensively regenerates the skin, removes dryness and heals microcracks. A key component of its formula -
- Stimulates the regeneration of cells in the deeper layers of skin. The unique technology of intelligent humidification
It helps maintain the natural moisture balance in the skin and provides intensive moisturizing effect.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova