"Mommy, Mommy, take me to handle! "- How often can hear from the child that phrase! Indeed, what could be better warm mother's arms, hugs and gentle touch? Every child likes his mom hugs and caresses. After warm touch can work wonders: it can warm up, support, comfort, and even cure ... Motherboard hand - is that the first baby stores, is the memory of what we carry through life.
Country Mum together with the brand
carried out a new photo contest for children and mothers. In order to take part in it, should be placed on the competition page photo mother with a baby on the theme of "the warmth of our touch," where mom hugs baby, touches him, stroking, holding the hand of, feed or plays. The winners will receive prizes from the company "Paul Hartmann", a manufacturer of hand sanitizer "Sterillium".

- A liquid alcohol hand sanitizer, a leader among the antiseptics for professional use in Germany.
Question hands clean mom - is not just a question of health and beauty, but also a health issue her baby. Especially outside of the family home, in conditions that are not always suitable for washing hands.
Children's clinic or hospital, shops, transport, cafes, public toilet, walk - all those places where a great number of bacteria. But this does not mean that women should completely deprive yourself of the possibility of "go out" if she breast baby. Simply, it must always be with an efficient and convenient tool for cleaning hands, and the best choice is
- 3-component preservative containing 75% alcohol. With respect to combat microbes it is 1000 times more effective than soap and well tolerated even in daily use as it does not dry the skin, as opposed to hand washing with soap. Besides that,
2 includes caring additives that help keep the skin of your hands soft, velvety and smooth, without causing the sensation of stickiness.
It is also important that the alcohol antiseptic solution
stable during storage and transport, does not change its properties depending on temperature, and it is more effective, including against disease pathogens such as HIV, influenza, hepatitis, candidiasis and many others.
As a gift, each winner will receive a bottle of antiseptic "Sterillium" 50 ml and a set of natural organic cosmetic series Kneipp. The range of this series can be found at www.welmed.ru.
first place
Will receive a gift set products from catalog
$ 5 000

second place
Will receive a gift set products from catalog
$ 3 000

third place
Will receive a gift set products from catalog
$ 2 000

Read the terms of the contest and to participate may be
here & gt; & gt; & gt;
To take part, you can
here & gt; & gt; & gt;
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova