They say that if you dream of the rainbow, you have to be ready to rain. However, the dream of the rain at times much nicer, being under the umbrella. Umbrella, in addition to its main purpose, has long been a fashionable attribute - a variety of patterns and shapes, colors and prints on umbrellas allow to complement your image, show personality, and, of course, to dream the rain.
The project
and brand
Announce Photo Contest
"Dreams in the rain"
Publish your picture, which shows you in the company of your umbrella and win
one of the three umbrella ultraprochnyh X-TRA Solide from ISOTONER
That can withstand wind gusts up to 82 km / h.

- A well-known brand of home and street shoes, umbrellas and gloves, which was founded in 1880 in France. Over the past few years, the brand introduced the technological trends such as: shoes ergonomic soles, in which the shape of the soles most corresponds to the shape of the foot, which provides full comfort and feet feeling relaxed; ultraprochnye umbrellas X-TRA Solide, which withstand wind gusts up to 82 km / h, gloves SmarTouch to control the touch-screen devices - smartphones, GPS-navigator and so on. d, moisturizing gloves to protect your hands in the winter, not only from the cold, but and dryness, thanks to aloe vera microcapsules, which are contained in their lining.

Participant whose photo couple with umbrella pick up the maximum number of points in user voting, and two other selected jury composed of project administration and representatives of the brand Relook.ru ISOTONER, will receive a gift
ultraprochny umbrella X-TRA Solide
, With the ability to choose the coloring and the mechanism of the umbrella - automatic or manual respectively.

In order to participate and win the competition, it is necessary, in the period from 17 October to 9 November 2012, to place in a competitive photo album
"Dreams in the rain"
from one to five of your photos. The main requirement - you, your image and your umbrella.
Shooting can be performed on the professional equipment and an amateur, right up to mobile phone cameras. However, it is important that the picture quality was decent - a clear image, pure color, of sufficient size.
Read the rules of the contest, take part and win a prize from ISOTONER & gt; & gt; & gt;
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova