It is proved that silver has beneficial effects on the course of physiological processes in the body and getting inside, increases the number of lymphocytes, the percentage of red blood cells and hemoglobin, can kill more than 650 kinds of bacteria and viruses. For comparison, the spectrum of action of any chemical antibiotic - only 5-10 species.
Silver - a unique metal ions which are capable of at the cellular level to fight pathogens and are an excellent antiseptic. Colloidal silver is added to cosmetics to eliminate microorganisms adversely effect on the skin. Cosmetics with an effective content of silver has anti-inflammatory effect and is recommended by manufacturers for hypersensitive and problem skin.
In August 2012 the brand
He introduced a new product - a line of deodorants for men
Dove Men + Care «Charge silver» (Silver Technology)
. Thanks to moisturizing ingredients and innovative formula
with silver ions
, Antiperspirants provide antibacterial action and as a result, excellent protection against odor for 48 hours, while not irritating the skin.
In addition, the brand
presented Russia's first soap
Dove Men + Care
That is created
especially for men
. Effective cleansing, gentle care and invigorating aroma - all you need modern man!
New cream soap, like many other means
body care, consists of a ¼ moisturizing cream, so that moisturizes and nourishes the skin, protecting it from irritation, dryness and discomfort. Another important feature of cream soap
Dove Men + Care
- A real man's scent that invigorates and inspires new exploits!

Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova