In early May, the singer Jennifer Lopez and perfume company Coty marked the 10th anniversary of their cooperation. Exactly 10 years ago, I was born the first fragrance from Jennifer, and today there are almost 20!
Eighteen female and one male. The first fragrance from Jennifer Lopez - Glow. Since the release of the assembly line of the first scent of the bottle around the world have gathered unprecedented fees - $ 1 billion. Choosing a name can be called Glow smell very good. For Jennifer firmly entrenched the epithet "luminous", it is a compliment to her skin with a natural glow, her musical success, her dresses and shiny hair.
At a ceremony celebrating the 10th anniversary of flavors Jennifer Lopez representatives Coty pleased with her huge cake in the form of a vial of her first fragrance, and journalists were asked the singer to one question: "What is the main point in her daily care of themselves", probably hoping to hear something about favorite smells J. Lo. But we got a very succinct answer: "Sunscreen! ".
10th anniversary of the first fragrance Jennifer Lopez - a good reason to remember them all.

Author: MyCharm.ru: Julia Gnedina