Probably no one today is indifferent when it comes to Japan. Lady Gaga has released a special bracelet to raise funds for the victims yesterday, "The Time Machine" concert dedicated to the Japanese, passing the fee for performance at the expense of the Japanese victims. They were joined by the audience in the hall, there to make donations and fund Mikhail Gorbachev, passing a decent amount.
Lidia Shevtsova, an expert of the Moscow Carnegie Center (it is now in Japan), wrote in his blog that it is better to transfer money to Japan at the expense of the Russian and the Japanese Red Cross, as there was some confusion with other accounts, and it is possible that this could repeat. A Japanese Red Cross is considered to be the organization with the most reputable in the world.
Everyone can do something. It's a fact. If you can not help financially, then write something on this subject in his blog, pray for the Japanese, somehow rethink their view of the world, Japan, about us ...
Charts and fashion illustrators of gloss do not remain on the sidelines. Japanese flag became for them a symbol of hope, faith, help.

Author: Julia Gnedina