Finally, he found the time to get out on vacation! Tickets bought suitcases packed - a taxi to the airport already at the entrance. After a few hours will begin the long-awaited and well-deserved rest - sea, sun, exotic, a real holiday after a long dull winter and not too bright spring.
- Honey, why is your bag so heavy?
- Well, you yourself advised to take a book to read ...
- Yes, there is their ten pieces!
- Honey, do not make me choose between "Anna Karenina," "Eat, Pray, Love», «PS: I love you" and you ...
All your favorite books are placed in your purse? Take a picture of them, come up with a funny and original signature and win Pocketbook 360 ° - compact, incredibly convenient handheld reader, who will follow you in any journey! The prize money is also branded blankets for a picnic with waterproof lining on the Pocketbook.
In the period from May 20 to June 20, check - how much paper books can fit in your purse, take a picture of a bag of books and take part in the competition!
At this time it is not necessary to be photographed himself enough "portrait" of your spacious (not roomy) bags!
The winner - the future owner of the handheld reader Pocketbook 360 ° is determined by the number of comments to the photos. Publish your photos, communicate in the comments and you win a convenient reader, which certainly fits into any handbag!

The authors of the works, the number of comments for that will be a little less will be the owners
friendly corporate plaid with waterproof lining bag

This time the vote is not important, the main thing - interesting pictures and chat! Comments should be relevant, simple emoticons to credit will not be accepted.
Take part in the competition here
Author: MyJulia.ru