November issue on sale from October 25 !!!
The theme rooms "Childbirth abroad."
On the cover - Lika Kremer, a mother of three children.
Foreigners will help us
With the development of voluntary health insurance, more pregnant women tend to give birth on the contract. Plus paid childbirth is really more: individual wards and doctors, her husband's presence at birth, luxury accommodations and unlimited visits by relatives. What set free obstetric care abroad? What guarantees do the expectant mother separate state, when it comes to foreign countries?
Before delivery

Lika Kremer: "We must not live for the child, and with it"
A young and very energetic mother of three children Lika Kremer works really much. Sometimes even the impression that concepts such as "holiday", "close of business" and "free time" in the lexicon of popular actress and TV presenter is simply no! Despite the fact that her youngest son barely a month, every day Lika goes with him to work and as a conscious mom breast-feeding a baby. Not surprisingly, the interview it was not so easy! But our conversation was a real educational program for contemporary women and young mothers, who wondered how it is possible to combine work, personal life and parenting.
Belated flowers
These mothers grandmothers would already be a nurse and grandchildren, but they only know the joy of motherhood. Thanks to a good quality of life and the modern medical.
Pregnancy threatened
The path from conception to birth takes a whole nine months. In this rather long period of gestation baby woman's face with a variety of situations, including difficult, such as the threat of termination of pregnancy. However, that is no reason for panic. Following the recommendations of the gynecologist and timely initiation of treatment can help overcome this situation with minimal losses.
Paradigm shift
Having a child changes a woman. Me and her entourage. In fact, the kid - a test of strength of any relationship: with her husband, with her parents and her friends.
First course
Pregnancies - a good excuse to learn how to eat properly. If the expectant mother is in compliance with the doctor's recommendations about their diet, even after the birth of her baby will be easy to stick to well-composed menu.
Appetite pregnant
"Now you have to eat for two" - a farewell often hear the expectant mother. Pregnancy - is really not the time to diet but also to indulge his stomach is not: it is fraught with unnecessary pounds. By changing taste preferences, too, need to listen - they are evidence of a lack of essential vitamins and minerals.
Recovery after childbirth
Childbirth - a natural physiological process for women. Nevertheless, after the appearance of a baby into the world body a young mother is seriously weakened and susceptible to infections, and for a full recovery it is necessary to take a course of drug therapy.
Pregnancy plan
Planned pregnancy - the most coveted and most light. It is reasonable to approach the question of procreation, future moms and dads first restore their health, then conceive a healthy child, and then eagerly waiting and joy of his birth. How to plan such an important thing as the birth of a child?
Gentle hugs
Foam lace tight corset inserts, shiny satin and erotic mesh, bone, and "push-up" - all this can make a bra is very beautiful, but it is inappropriate for the mother. For a woman's breasts in a position other support needs - gentle, comfortable and adequate state.
Births at the wrong position of the fetus
In the early stages of pregnancy, when the free space in the uterus is still quite a lot, the fruit does not take any specific position as a place to move him enough. However, as the child grows, it naturally decreases, and the closer to birth the baby is no longer inverted.
Born in the USA
Who better than anyone could talk about how the generations in America and what is their advantage before the birth, "John Rush" than people who are more than 15 years engaged in the organization of the most births in the United States? On why of the new addition to the family is to go overseas, we talked with the director of CentrixRu Corp. Eduard Konstantinovich Pogosyan.
Dysbacteriosis babies first year of life
One of the most important concerns of parents of infants, was, is and will be the state of the digestive system of the baby. On how the child eats, the functioning of his intestines, and depends on the development and the establishment of immunity, mood, and even the crumbs.
The beauty of the breast after birth
During pregnancy and breast-feeding varies not only the size but also the shape of the breast. But this does not mean that it is impossible to bring back the beauty of the breast. Of course, you should make an effort, but the result is worth it.
Enjoy your shopping!
Collect the dowry baby - a science. Or maybe an art - the art of buy everything you need and do not spend too much.
Harmony Growth
When today's young mothers themselves were children, their parents, by and large, there was no choice - the kids have bought only what they could get.
How to feed your baby?
Most young mothers looking forward to the moment when the baby can not be fed only breast milk or formula.
Strong immune system - the key to a child's health
Human immunity - is very fragile, but at the same time complex and clever system. At a respectful attitude to it, it is able to effectively protect its owner from many diseases.
Why men do not want children?
The challenge for a maximum of every man - to build a house, plant a tree and give birth to a son. Then why are some men who have completed the first two points, so desperately do not want to have children?
Win-win menu Masha Tsigal
Avant-garde fashion designer and owner of his own clothing brand ready-to-wear Masha Tsigal Design International and part-time young mother Masha Tsigal known throughout the world, her clothes are worn by people of all ages and incomes.
Games different needs, all kinds of games are important!
By playing, kids learn about the world - this is common knowledge. However, young parents sometimes wonder: what you can carry away the crumbs that old a few months or even weeks? In fact, even for the little ones, there are many informative sessions to help them develop properly, harmonious and at the right pace.
Also in this issue:
Consultation obstetrician-gynecologist, a lawyer, a pediatrician, an overview of shops, Internet sites, company news and events.
Details on the website of the journal "Rody.Ru» www.mama-journal.ru
Author: Julia Gnedina