You love Sandra Bullock? It inspires you, or maybe you want to be a little like her? It is really a great actress and a strong woman. This year, she won an Oscar and was divorced. What else do you know about her?
1. It is - a luxury.
Yes, it is recognized as one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. Long dark hair, a beautiful face and perfect figure. Especially her figure gets into various rankings of slender women. For ages 46 years and it is true, damn good. Her style and makeup stylists also estimated the world as ideal.
2. It is - a great actress.
Sandra won the 2010 Oscar for Best Actress, confirming recognition of the fans. The prize was received by her for her role in «The Blind Side», where she played a real person, thus became one of the 14 Oscar winner for her role as a real character.
3. She is fluent in German.
Sandra lived in Germany, in the city of Nuremberg, a child up to 12 years. After that, she is free to communicate in German. Strangely, the film she never offered to play a German woman, and in fact it could be very credible, knowing perfectly German.
4. She sings.
Mom Sandra Bullock, Helga Bullock (1942-2000) - famous German singer and vocal teacher. Sandra herself as a child she sang in the choir, she went to study together with his sister. And this talent she partly succeeded in showing to the public, when she starred in the film «The Thing Called Love» (The Thing Called Love) as a young singer, and Sandra even she wrote and performed the song «Heaven Knocking On My Door» in this film .
5. It - very generous.
Her charitable contributions are often very impressive. For example, it has donated $ 1 million to the American Red Cross after the September 11 tragedy. We know that the victims of the Asian tsunami of 2004, she also donated 1 million. Dollars, the same amount received from the actress 'Doctors without Borders', which helped the victims of the earthquake in Haiti in 2010.
6. It is - a great mom.
For five years she was an excellent stepmother to three children, Jesse James (Chandler, Jesse ml. And Sani). Now Sandra - mum for a little Louis Bardo Bullock from New Orleans (Louisiana).
7. It is - very strong.
She suffered the loss of mothers, divorce, loss of foster children ... It just came out with a smile and her head held high, and so on and continues to go through life. A perfect example!

Author: Julia Gnedina