Caring about the convenience and needs of the customers, Stenders developing a new product segment in the packaging convenient for traveling (75 mL). The range of available products in the package 10 for traveling to clients, while in other countries, can continue to enjoy their favorite foods, taking care of your skin and hair.
Sets Travel created with care about the desires and convenience of the customer - that the customer can be sure whether the product is suitable for him, or to make it convenient to take along on a trip or sports activities.
"In order to rest time customers can take care of your skin and hair with products Stenders, we offer 10 products in packaging designed for travel - 4 types of shower gels, including shampoo and shower gel for men, 2 types of liquid oils Body and 2 kinds of shampoos and conditioners "
- Says the head of the company Stenders
Janis Berzins
. The stores will not be sold already equipped sets - a client can itself create a set of travel according to your taste and needs.

The selected set of products can be placed in the bag with the design Stenders, which it is convenient and safe to carry in hand luggage or take along in a bag, going on daily affairs. All products for travel and handbag designed to meet the requirements of airports.

In the future, the range of products to complement the planned travel offering and other popular products Stenders less packaging.
New sets of products in the package for travel, as well as other products Stenders can buy not only in Russia, but even in 21 countries - Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Austria, Germany, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Ukraine, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Japan, China, Saudi Arabia.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova