Modern civilization is increasingly blurs the boundaries between the sexes in all spheres of life. However, social, scientific and fashion trends do not alter the concepts of "femininity" and "masculinity"! Habits, care, attitude to their appearance in both men and women are still different. But the problem with the same hair: dandruff, thinning, fragility ...
Despite the fact that the structure of hair in men and women differ little, and their appearance depends on the care and choosing the right equipment.
It's no secret that men and women relate to their appearance in different ways. If women attach great importance to their hair, their appearance and health, it is important for men to reflect their hair strength and courage, and not really entered into details. Men's mannerisms suggest some negligence and sharpness. Wash your hair with a shower gel, mercilessly grind them hard with a towel - a common thing for men. Such Spartan habits adversely affect the condition of hair: trying to appear strong, the men weaken the hair, making them brittle and lifeless. Such hair on your head is not delayed ...

A new collection of Head & shoulders against hair loss due to breakage emphasize your femininity, will help preserve the health of the hair and the volume hairstyles
Women are never completely satisfied with your haircut. They are constantly looking for the perfect product for cleaning, use a variety of tools for installation, try new hair brushes and hair clips. This often leads to irritation of the scalp, and as a result - to dandruff, breakage and hair loss.
Head & shoulders is an innovative collection of shampoos for hair loss due to breakage, which offers a special, separate solutions for men and women! It's not just shampoo, this statement: different needs require different methods of satisfying them.
Women's Collection Head & shoulders against hair loss due to breakage - a specially designed complex with a delicate sensual fragrance. Its innovative components protect the hair from damage and improve their appearance on those areas that need it in the first place. Unique washing formula effectively cleans and conditions hair - and no need to spend a lot of time to care!
Proved that the regular use of the new Head & shoulders of female hair loss from breakage is reduced by 95% *, dandruff is reduced by 100% ** and charm of femininity is not just you, but also enhanced!
To keep hair in good condition, Head & Shoulders stylist Ben Skervin recommends:
"Women should not take the hair roots, the roots of the flower and create optimal conditions for them to maintain strength and health. If the scalp is in excellent condition, have your hair is the best ground for growth. The path to a beautiful, large, and strong hair begins with the selection of tools that are designed to maintain your lifestyle, such as Head & shoulders against hair loss for women because of the fragility "
* Compared to a shampoo without conditioner
** From the visible dandruff with regular use

A new collection of Head & shoulders against hair loss due to breakage accentuate your masculinity and helps maintain healthy hair
Head & shoulders is an innovative collection of shampoos for hair loss due to breakage, which offers a special, separate solutions for men and women! It's not just shampoo, this statement: different needs require different methods of satisfying them.
Men's Collection Head & shoulders against hair loss due to breakage - a specially designed complex with a masculine scent that protects the hair from damage.
It is based on innovative technology ActiZinc, which successfully fights dandruff and soothes irritated scalp. Terms and conditions for hair growth are improving, they will retain its volume and thus look more powerful and well-groomed!
Proved that the regular use of the new Head & shoulders of male hair loss from breakage is reduced by 95% *, dandruff is reduced by 100% ** and the rhythm of life and courageous appearance are with you!
The world-renowned stylist Head & Shoulders Skervin Ben shares his main secret help weakened hair:
"When the hair is thin and brittle, men should think about changing the style and the hair cut short, especially on the sides. For the care they should choose funds specifically aimed at supporting their lifestyle, such as men's collection Head & Shoulders hair loss due to breakage, which will help make the hair voluminous and lush. Proper means of a short haircut and beautiful - the perfect way to disguise thin hair, while keeping up with fashion! "
* Compared to a shampoo without conditioner
** From the visible dandruff with regular use
Author: MyCharm.ru: Lavrushina Lyudmila