Ever wondered how Lena Lena manages to combine a successful business career as a writer, always look good and to please men? The secret - in her lifestyle. And a little more nurturing. Tips from the stars for you.
Lena Lenina she told about her uncomplicated secrets of youth and beauty:
"I was a youth - a staunch vegetarian. I like the idea of living without eating their own kind as in the kitchen, and in business.
I do not smoke, I never drank alcohol and I am blissfully unaware of why people drink, and it gives them that, in addition to extra calories and terrible addiction. I never even tried any wine, which is strange for a man who lives in France and has never tasted vodka, it was improper for the Russian people.
I have never tried drugs and I hope that does not try. For me it is - one of the few ways to beat the competition in show business, whose ranks are thinning, mainly for this reason.
And I do not drink coffee, which is artificially tones the nervous system, and I have it, and so naturally excited when needed. Especially as I have spared her, because I plan to live by Paul Bragg to 130 years old and I still come in handy.
I do not drink and other beverages chemical origin, type any number. And, in general, ever, will create a public organization to combat the chemistry in food, because I am shocked by what is fed in Russia. Some dealers on food-super-marketnogo business selling point here is that it is forbidden to sell in Europe, due to high content of harmful substances. And to our markets have to go only armed with a Geiger counter.
I drink only natural drinks such as, for example, a favorite natural drink and Carla Bruni-known fighter for a healthy lifestyle, the French actor Pierre Richard - «Purelosophy». By the way, Richard and "hoisted" I have these drinks, composed of herbs and natural ingredients. "

Author: Julia Gnedina