USB-devices have become part of our lives will soon be without looking up from the computer, to test the right smell, heat up a cup of soup, dry shoes ... Well, a lot, of course, in the future. And if you think that in the distant future, you are mistaken. Because now quite conventional notions with USB- connector.
And it's not only photo frames and USB-modems.
We start our small hits.
1. The lamp in retro style. Yes, an ordinary lamp - it is retro. Cord - Elastic and can raise such a lamp at a suitable height, depending on your goals. Very interesting idea.
2. USB flash drive - a robot. I do not know whether this "robot" itself to get to the place where he should be, but the design is very catchy. Naturally, when the flash drive in, then her eyes shone.
3. USB-extender from Marc Jacobs. This is the sort of thing that makes one USB-release just three. Marc Marc Jacobs argues is not the first time that the sense of humor of its customers there, and this time doing the usual sort of gizmo design - unique. This extension piece is in the form of tape cassettes. Too retro!
4. "Mini-fridge." Of course, there are not together all that would like to be near a computer, but can of cool drink he is quite capable. And, in just 5 minutes! You only need a USB-port.
5. These flash can scare and sat up in the night of system administrators. Because all they see in the dark - is a small skeletons. "Not to stay the night at the monitor - the consequences are, and such" - and I want to give this gift to friend warning geek.))))
6. This unprepossessing at first glance, a flash drive called "the devil." Actually, the thing useless. Does that amuse a bored office, if someone from the staff to give it he borrowed. After 15 minutes of any innocent (or guilty?) Employee will turn green from the chaotic movement of the mouse cursor it randomly switching the CAPS LOCK key, and your computer decides to do a little bit "naughty." If the employee will not guess, everything will continue until the removal of the flash drive. They say, fun. Although not want to visit the place of the employee.
7. In this tiny skateboard, among other things, 2 gig.
8. Another retro little thing. Fan. And decorate your desktop and add a fresh air. It can also be used as an extender, because it has three more USB-connector. In general, a good thing.
9. Set for Birthday. The set includes light bulbs to decorate the monitor, cap and fun mouse pad. It could be used for New Year and for the wires on vacation.
10. Again, audio cassette. And again for listening. Inside - no film, and 64 MB of your favorite songs stored on the flash drive. On the liner to the tape, you can record them all, just like old times.

Author: myCharm: Julia Gnedina