Do you think that spring mood intangible, and a piece of it can not be saved in the memory? Members of our competition will prove to everyone that it is not so! New competition online Diets.ru for those whose imagination and talents to give handmade beauty, originality and comfort. The most creative and skilled masters are waiting for certificates for the purchase of goods for needlework from the online store Tetushka.ru, as well as prizes from the company DiglDizayn!
Bonus certificates provide an opportunity to purchase any product from a range of products for needlework online store Tetushka.ru. They will be distributed as follows:
Certificate nominal value of 3500 p.
It will get as a gift to the author of the work (product pictures and descriptions copyright to it), the highest number of points in the custom contest the vote. Using the award of certificates will help even more to reveal your creativity and talents. For example, the prize may turn into:
- Great set for decoupage:

- Sets and mosaic tesserae, as well as tools for mosaic.
- All for modeling and work with polymer clay.
- And many many others...
Certificate of par value 2,000 rubles.
author of the work will get chosen as the best solution administration Diets.ru. Possibilities of use of the certificate also endless!
Certificate face value 1500 rubles.
It goes to the author of the work, the sympathy of the sponsor of the competition - representatives Tetushka.ru store. The winner will be able to use it by he needed materials and tools from the widest range of products for the store Tetushka.ru creativity.
... But that is not all -
Additional prizes await masters decoupage, realization whose spring inspiration helps mark Calambour
. If you use the materials in his works of this brand, put in the work tag "Calambour" and get the opportunity to receive one of three incentive prizes from DiglDizayn.
The prize will be set for creativity - 3 kinds of decoupage paper Calambour (2 cards + 1 rice napkin) and glue and nail company Marabu.

* You can choose your favorite color cards and napkins from among the in-store Tetushka.ru
To become a member and fight for one of the prizes of the competition, it is necessary, in the period from 23 March to 23 April 2012, to place in the "Create a spring with Tetushkoy.ru" Online Diets.ru photo and description owned by you and embodies your vision of spring, the work carried out in any handmade art. This could be a panel or a plastic figurine of knitted item or established in the art skarpbukinga card, decoupage object or painting, or the author's toy handmade soap, dried objects and jewelry ... you name it, because the planet is enormous needlework and entertaining! Your work may be a practical product or accessory and carry only aesthetic load. The main thing that it was created precisely by you in any handmade techniques and meets the criteria of the competition.
Learn all the rules and take part in the competition & gt; & gt;
Author: Diets.ru