Helping your skin to cope with the winter fatigue
 Only the young maidens do not notice the damage caused to the skin by frost, smoking and complexities of modern life and the lack of vitamins. Their senior girlfriends seek and find the ideal means to care collection cosmetics antioxidant "formula of transformation."

Horse collection - antioxidant complex of natural origin Neovitin isolated from ginseng. Secret Neovitin that it contains panaksozidy and specific polysaccharide - panaksan. The synergistic effect of the active components of the complex causes the body to produce antioxidant enzymes and interferon, which inhibits the reaction of peroxide oxidation (destruction) of cell membrane lipids blood vessels, strengthen them, and thereby enhance the body's resistance, including premature aging. "Work" this duo gives strong resistance to free radicals, "guilty" in premature aging, slows down the biological clock, which immediately affects the skin condition - it acquires a fresh well-groomed appearance.

Neovitin cosmetic cream peeling acts as an accelerator of metabolism and blood microcirculation, protects the skin from inflammation and "spur" formation of new cells after a gentle massage of polyethylene granules, cleanses the skin from dead cells.
 Helping your skin to cope with the winter fatigue

Applying the next anti-aging cream "formula of transformation" gives an excellent result. Neovitin in the cream has the same effect as in cream - peeling. Besides antioxidant complex enhances the action of natural immunomodulator Jerusalem artichoke included in the formulation of a cream rich in vitamin C, which is involved in the synthesis and strengthen collagen fibers, increasing their flexibility. The cream not only wrinkles but also prevents their appearance.

Author: myCharm: Julia Gnedina