From 12 to 14 September 2014 will be held International Exhibition and Sale "EcoSphere". The venue will be loved by all Tishinka. Our address: Moscow, Tishinskaya Sq., 1, building 1, Exhibition Center "T-Module".
"EcoSphere" - an exhibition project devoted to needlework and creativity, where you will find all that is made of natural materials and made by hand with warmth and soul: cosmetics, oil, souvenirs, clothing, home furnishings and more.
The program includes:
Master classes in needlework and creativity for children and adults; familiarization with the various types of yoga, and other practices that improve human health; demonstration performances of masters of martial arts and sports with an instructor to correct the posture; dance lessons.
And on the stage, made in the form of green mirrors, will be adult and children's shows ECOMOD show Fashion sentence and concert-entertainment program with performance poets and musicians, singing the praises of nature.

But that's not all, the exhibition area will be landscaped and the maximum is divided into thematic areas, including includes a seating area and an area of healthy nutrition. Before visitors appear ECOMOD whole avenue of mannequins and live trees in autumn, winter, spring, summer, where everyone can plunge at any given time of the year.
The event will function «Free-market" - the free flow of things, clothes, books. And held a photo exhibition of entries on the theme: "Greening cities, ecological picture, children and animals, landscapes, people and life of ancestral homes."

Exhibition schedule:
12 to 14 September
- From 11:00 to 20:00
Entrance fee - 150 rubles.
Our contacts:
Tel .: 8-916-291-88-71
Website: http://ecosferaexpo.ru/
E-mail: atmosferatvorchestva@gmail.com
Come, it will be interesting!
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova