MIOFF Fitness Russia opens registration for the most significant, massive, noisy, fitness memorable annual event in Russia - Be prepared! The announcement of the program of activities of the Festival will not take long!
As always, the program MIOFF:
Specialized Exhibition of fitness equipment, goods and services
The program of lectures and round tables for managers and owners of fitness - clubs training program for instructors gym and group programs as well as Interactive for fitness enthusiasts!
Recall that in 2013 Moscow International Open Fitness Festival MIOFF-Fitness Russia was the only full-scale exercise fitness industry in Russia and takes place in cooperation with a network of fitness clubs «WorldClass».
Specialized Exhibition of Fitness Equipment
With 10 000 square meters You can find all that is associated with the fitness, wellness and a healthy lifestyle, everything you need to equip a fitness club, halls for group programs, a spa, fitness bar, and a selection of comfortable, colorful and practical clothing for all types of workouts.
They are already with us!
A & A • Fitness Division • Foreman • Life fitness • Life fitness • Miltronic • PAVIFLEX COMERCIAL • Star Track • Star Track • Technogym • Zumba • Beck Rus • V-Sports (Sports Equipment) • Meter Service • Mfitnes • SportRus • Sport-Express • Fitness System • Soft Yuniver
The program for the control
Forum management professionals
The brightest representatives of fitness - the industry will share their experiences with you! During the 3 days in 4 halls will discuss management problems fitness club, recruitment, interaction between the departments of the club, sales, marketing, service, children's fitness.
Audience: managers, owners, executives and managers of fitness clubs.
Forum will be held in stationary, soundproof conference rooms specially designed for such events.

Two days before the Forum will be no less intense. As part of the Pre-Forum will be held 2-day seminar on the management of the fitness club. Traditionally, the Pre-Forum holds an iconic person in fitness, whose contribution to the development of the industry and experience are undeniable!
The program for instructors and personal trainers
Now fitness - it is not a luxury. Fitness - it's a lifestyle. In major metropolitan areas luxuries, rather, you can take the time. Therefore, those who saves their time, energy, and health increasingly use the services of a personal trainer who can competently and interesting to build the training process, as well as give advice on a balanced diet.
Lectures within Mioff-FS - a great opportunity to get and deepen their knowledge in all areas of personal training - how to build a training, diversity, how to choose the right food .. and most importantly, how to sell to the customer!

International Pre-Convention
Theory and practice of fitness. Program Pre-Convention will take place on the 5 top-end destinations: TRX, Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, Functional (Power). Classes will conduct master of his craft - the best presenter of the fitness industry from around the world.
Program for professionals and fitness enthusiasts
International Fitness Convention
3 days, 4 halls, thousands of lovers in the fitness! Love of sport and a healthy lifestyle is saturated with air. Entering the room, you are immediately imbued with the atmosphere of a fitness drive.
Trainers, coaches and fans a healthy lifestyle - all charged inexpressible energy workshops for the best of the best functional training, aerobics, weight classes, step, dance, yoga and Pilates, as well as special training for children and 50+ audience.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova