From 24 to 27 July 2014. continue its work festival "Creativity without borders" and open the second week of the thematic exhibition "Ekotvorchestvo" dedicated to the crafts and creativity in general. These days will be a real treat for lovers and connoisseurs of the beautiful and natural.
The event will operate a permanent exhibition and sale of works of authorship made of natural materials, and products for art and hobby. Much attention will be paid to the master-classes on ekotematike, which will be open to all comers.
And will continue to work charity events: "Give your child a great world" in support of the Fund and Xenia Alferov Yegor Beroeva and action "Shokoban" in support of a specialized rehabilitation center "Adele."

The program of events:
Our masters will show you how to give old things a second life and how to make clothes for dolls from waste materials. Learn folk handicrafts, weaving and sewing ekosumok avosek. Help to master the technique of dry felting, make crafts from natural materials, make hairstyles with flowers, to master the method heels and try batik on silk.
For the youngest host an exhibition contest of drawings dedicated to nature and animals, and a puppet theater will show a slight idea. The company "Green Mirror" will show on the catwalk ekodizaynerov.

Exhibition schedule:
24 to 27 July
- From 12:00 to 20:00
Free admission.
Our contacts:
Tel .: 8-916-291-88-71
E-mail: atmosferatvorchestva@gmail.com
Come, let's create!
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova