Lottie Moss, a 16-year-old half-sister of the most famous British model Kate Moss - the name for the world of fashion is not new. Her PR and try to advance more than a year. And now - the first big success: Lottie starring advertising major fashion brand.
Remember, what the advertising campaign made fashionable the public to talk about Kate Moss? It was an advertisement for Calvin Klein Jeans 1993. And Kate was then 18.

After 21 years Lottie removed for the same brand. Photographer Michael Avedon. "Intriguing innocence in his glory" - as he described the way sought by working with Lottie.

Rising Star is autumn collection, which is inspired by the 90-mi, including novelties tops, shorts, denim overalls and bulky jackets. And style - Grunge + hip-hop.

Author: MyCharm.ru: Julia Gnedina