Many women get these fragrant flowers resembling curls on Women's Day March 8. But shops can be seen in February. Hyacinthe not only the beautiful, but beauty can give us.
They say they found hyacinths, quite by accident, and children. It happened in 1734 in the Netherlands. Kids playing serene day on the beach and suddenly saw the flower that first they had ever seen. They called adults. And adults, too, wondered where he could take on the banks of this wonderful flower. We walked along the beach and saw a few sprouted bulbs.
Historians suggest that the bulbs are washed up on the shore of the sea with sunken ship near Genoa, the cargo of which were flower bulbs.
Dutch dug the flowers and began to plant them in their gardens. These were the hyacinths.
translated from the Greek as -
"Flower Rain"
A Greek myth tells that Hyacinth was called the young son of the king of Sparta. The young man was blindingly beautiful, even the gods eclipsed by its beauty. To the boy harbored affection south wind god Zephyr and Apollo. They often spent time together, devoting his sport or hunting.
And once Hyacinth and Apollo competed in the discus throw. And none of them could excel in the art of throwing. And Apollo threw the disc above the clouds, the Zephyr, wanting to help hyacinths, blew strongly on the disc and hit in the face Hyacinthe. The boy died, and suffering from the loss of a friend, Apollo, a drop of his blood turned into beautiful flowers to his memory live forever.
Hyacinth -
- Bulbous plant of the lily family.
The plant has succulent to 18-20 cm long leaves bright green color.
Fragrant flowers like bluebells with curved petals are collected in the thick brush.
Painting colors most diverse of white, blue, pink to deep purple and magenta. Less common are the flowers of apricot and yellow.
There are hyacinths with double flowers.

In ancient times believed that the amulet with dry petals sewn protects girls from unrequited love, and the children from the evil eye.
The dried hyacinth petals sewn in gauze bags and shift them to scent linen.
It is known that the smell of hyacinth drives away depression, improves the functioning of the nervous system, relieves insomnia, restores female hormonal balance, regulate the menstrual cycle and removing menstrual pain.
Our grandmother was crushed dried petals of the hyacinth into a powder, set fire to it and fumigated the room to get rid of mosquitoes, which immediately disappears.
Cockroaches, too, do not like hyacinth smoke.
Hyacinth has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antibacterial, astringent, antiseptic and soothing properties.
Hyacinth is used in the cosmetics industry. Because of its flowers and leaves an essential oil that is added to perfumes and creams.
Hyacinth purifies and rejuvenates the skin.

At home, dry petals Hyacinth insist on alcohol. It turns a great lotion that cleans, moisturizes, rejuvenates the skin and protects it from wrinkles.
4 tbsp. tablespoons dried flowers hyacinth pour 1/2 cup of vodka and insist 2 weeks in a dark cool place, for example, in the pantry. Strain.
Before use, the part that will be used to breed with boiled water 1: 1.
Hydrating Mask
Grate a piece of cucumber. Take 2 tbsp. spoon mashed potatoes, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 5 drops Hyacinth lotion. Apply on face for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
Mask for wrinkles
1/4 teaspoon Hyacinth lotion mixed with 2 tbsp. tablespoons soft cheese and 1 dessert spoon of cream. Stir well, apply on face for 10-15 minutes. Remove with a cotton swab moistened with warm water. Rinse your face with cool water with one drop of lotion on Hyacinth 1/2 cup water.
Bath rejuvenating
Mix 1/4 cup of honey with 1 teaspoon Hyacinth lotion and added to the bath with the water temperature + 37C not. Take a bath for 15 minutes.
Fresh juice from the root of hyacinth smear those places that want to get rid of excess hair.