Your dishes are juicy and aromatic, if during cooking you will not forget to add herbs. A cosmetics, "flavored" spices, give your skin health, radiance and beauty!
The beneficial properties of herbs has long been questioned. Even in ancient times, some tribes used them for medicinal purposes. Ayurveda - Vedic medicine, a whole methods of treatment and prevention of diseases through the spices. With the advent of Christianity's arsenal of natural health and beauty, unfortunately, it has been forgotten, but at the end of the 15th century mankind was finally able to enjoy the flavor and beneficial properties of spices from all over the world.
Modern cosmetology offers us a lot of money on skin care products with the "golden" nature reserve. Which one is right spice to your skin, learn on!
Problem skin with acne and acne
The best choice for skin with inflammatory processes become available cleansers, masks and creams with turmeric. The fact that this spice - a natural antibiotic, which is very detrimental effect with respect to any harmful bacteria. Due to the content in turmeric essential oils, polysaccharides, phenolic compounds and fatty acids subject area disinfected, redness and swelling go away, the rash heal quickly. But that's not all! Turmeric is a skin forms on the surface of the acid-alkaline environment, which prevents the emergence of new foci of inflammation!

Dry and sensitive skin
Hypersensitive skin certainly needs reassurance. Lotions and creams with lavender to restore normal moisture levels, reduce the susceptibility of the skin and provide good protection against environmental factors. In daily care, you can use a cleanser, toning and nutrition. Due to the specific mix of tannins and a unique oil ingredients linalyl acetate contained in lavender, dryness, tightness and burning of the skin will no longer bother you. In addition, lavender bath with foam or salt will help to forget about the intensity of the working day, adjusting to a deep sleep and blessed rest.
Oily and combination skin
Caring for oily skin, primarily focused on the normalization of sebum, then narrowing and leveling the surface of the skin. Each of these problems can be easily solved if you use home care looking after the series of cosmetics, anti-cellulite creams and toning lotions and serums with rosemary. Due to the content in it of essential oils - camphor, borneol, pinene, limonene and cineol bornylacetate as well as tannins and resins stimulates circulation and cell renewal. It is manifested increase in skin elasticity.
The skin with the first signs of age-related changes
Masks and tonic with mint extract will be thrilled with the skin, which overcome the natural mechanisms of aging. Toning and anti wondrous properties of the plant will provide you with a truly unrivaled effect! You will look fresh even after a sleepless night spent! Oval face will be more smooth and clear, and the surface of the skin will become toned and sunshine. The secret - in the presence of specific organic acids, flavonoids, essential oil menthol and trace elements present in the mint. "Mint" cosmetics use leaves a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Working in the deep layers of the epidermis, it stimulates the flow of lymph and blood, cells providing the necessary moisture.

Fading skin wrinkles
Age skin like no other needs of youth hormones - phytoestrogens. Their natural analogue - fragrant herb sage. It combines phenol, ketone, terpineol and linalool, which has a powerful regenerative and stimulating effect. These substances penetrate deep into the skin, strengthen its collagen-elastin skeleton, level tone, filling the voids and irregularities. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed, the epidermis is strengthened, the complexion gets paint youth. And if you supplement home care every morning drink female attractiveness - infusion of sage, you will not only normalize the biological rhythms of the body, but forget about the tides characteristic of menopause. In addition, leave irritability, and harshness inherent to most women experiencing difficult this difficult stage of life.
Applying cosmetic products with spices and herbs in home care, you will render comprehensive support for your skin, gently remove the existing problems and make it an excellent base for the fight against the natural aging factors! Stay young and beautiful!
Author: Natalia Bartukova