Homeland coconut palm is considered to Southeast Asia, where coconut has spread across the world. Coconut tree at the tree of life is considered to be Aboriginal. Coconuts are not only used in food, fiber weave ropes, mats and bags and shell do the dishes.
Scientists also say coconut tree with one of the ten most useful plants on earth. For the first time coconut palm was described in the book of the Italian traveler Marco Polo (1254-1324).
Coconuts in the coconut trees grow 15-20 pieces, mature within 8-10 months.
In fact, coconut is not a nut, it is drupe. Fruit weight can reach 1, 5-2, 5 kg.
Under the outer shell of the fruit is imbued with fiber shell, then the seed, consisting of a surface layer of fleshy copra - the white pulp and endosperm - coconut milk.
Coconut milk and coconut meat contain vitamins - B1, B2, B5, C, saccharose, glucose, fatty acids, antioxidants, trace minerals and macro - phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium ...
Coconut Milk well quenches thirst, refreshes, cleans the blood, improves vision, prevents the development of cancer and cardiovascular disease, nervous disorders, fatigue.
It is useful for the kidneys, has antiseptic properties and eliminates the infection in urolithiasis.
In the food consumed coconut milk and coconut copra - the pulp is eaten fresh, dried, rubbed on a grater.
First, poured milk, do one or two holes in the pits at the end of the fruit.
Coconut milk is used in cosmetics, it is especially useful for moisturizing dry skin and skin overdried sun.

Coconut milk and strengthens hair.
Mask, moisturizing of milk
2 tbsp. tablespoons coconut milk whisk, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons crushed pineapple, stir gently to warm, apply on face for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, wash with water at room temperature.
Universal Mask
2 tbsp. tablespoons coconut milk mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey and 2 tablespoons crushed dessert on a coffee grinder oat flakes, stir well, put on the face, neck and decollete. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
The mask of coconut pulp for any skin
2 tbsp. tablespoons grated grated coconut pulp mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons turned into mashed kiwi, add a little cream to obtain a slurry and apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, wash with cool.
Furthermore Coconut milk is used in cosmetics
Coconut oil
That rejuvenates the skin and for many years enables it does not get old.
Coconut oil removes the outer layer of dead skin cells, it penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, leaving it smooth and radiant, wrinkles.
Oil coconut can do at home:

Cut pieces of coconut crumb grate on a fine grater, pour warm water, cool and refrigerate. After a few hours on the water surface will be a layer of fat in the 3-4 cm. This fat is necessary to collect and melt in a water bath, but in any case, do not boil. When boiling lost all useful properties. Strain into a glass jar. Store in the refrigerator can be 5 days. The rest of the chips can be used as a body scrub.
Against skin aging
Apply to cleansed face, neck coconut oil for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Mask, moisturizing
1 teaspoon of coconut oil mixed with 1 tbsp. Spoon cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. spoon grated grated cucumber and mix well. Apply for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm decoction of parsley or weak brew green tea.
After 10 minutes, wash with cool water.
Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer for the body.
To strengthen the hair
Some coconut oil rubbed into the scalp and spread through the hair. After a 4-5-8 hour rinse with warm water.

Cosmetics with coconut
* Shampoo, conditioner and oil for dry and damaged hair, "Wheat and coconut" from Oriflame

* Special emollient "Gentle Care" with the scent of coconut Oriflame

* Eau "Malaysian Coconut" by Yves Rocher

* Lip Gloss "Coconut" by The Body Shop

* Extra-Soap Melvita, a part of which contains palm oil, argan oil, coconut and shea
