With a coffee can find beauty ... Yes, it may seem strange, since the link between coffee and the beauty of the little seen, but it is. Today, for the preparation scrubs, creams and masks are often used coffee beans. So how do you use coffee to keep the skin young and healthy hair.
Now the coffee may be another motto vivacity and beauty
To improve the state of health can lead aromatic flavor coffee blend, and its application in various cosmetic purposes necessarily lead to an improvement in appearance. Using funds from the coffee, you can ensure that your skin becomes elastic, smooth and hair - beautiful and strong.
If you ever want to have a fresh look, then apply a mask of coffee, but first make sure that you are not allergic to coffee. To do this, prepare a mask and try it on a small area of the body: in 15 minutes you will not have any reaction, you can safely use natural coffee masks and scrubs.
To start using the coffee mask, the skin must first be prepared. In the first stage it must be cleaned. It is recommended to use one tablespoon of clay, and the same amount of lemon peel and coffee grounds. All the ingredients you need to pour boiling water and add a pinch of baking soda. Thus, you get a scrub that is necessary to put on your face and hold for 10 minutes. This compound should not rub - just contact with the skin, all keratinized been disconnected. Then wash and can start applying the mask.

The mask for dry skin
A tablespoon of ground coffee to mix with the same amount of olive oil. The mixture should insist for an hour. After that, the mask can be applied to the face and neck and leave for 15 minutes.
This structure helps to improve the overall condition of the skin, nourishes and protects the surface. Regular use can improve skin tone, tighten the loop to give a "fresh" look. The mask is perfect in the winter time, when the impact of weather on your skin felt more strongly than in other seasons. In the summer is better to use lighter options.
Mask for normal skin
In normal skin of the face, take the 1, 5 tablespoons of coffee grounds and the same instant oatmeal. Mass to pour the boiling water. When the mixture has cooled, it can be put on the face. After 15 minutes the mask is washed off with hot water, and then you need to rinse your face with cool water.
After applying this composition, apply a face cream that is right for you. Especially good to combine it with an anti-aging formula. Mask provides nourishing effect and cream - firming. However, it gives an excellent result. But a separate part of the coffee can work miracles: to make the skin smooth, remove the swelling, give the blooming appearance.

Mask for oily skin
If you have facial skin is oily, then you need to use a different recipe. Take half a cup of yogurt without sugar and two tablespoons of ground coffee. This mixture must be drawn within a few minutes, then it can be put on the face. In the areas around the eyes apply a mask is not necessary. Use the best natural products. If possible, prepare yogurt at home or buy one that does not contain artificial preservatives.
Use coffee mask for oily skin should be home when you will not take your time. It normalizes the sebaceous glands, removes excess skin secretions, but to go out as soon as the removed part, not worth it. Wait an hour or so to get the best result.
Scrub cellulite
Scrub the coffee cellulite allows you to forget about the "orange peel". But it must be used 2-4 times per week. And most importantly, each time have to prepare a new one. Keep cooked composition is not recommended.
To prepare scrub should take 100 g of honey, add the 3 tbsp. spoon steamed ground coffee and mix. The mixture should be rubbed into the skin of air traffic. After the scrub is applied, patted on the most problematic sites. Mass washed with hot water followed by a cold rinse.

Hair Mask
Haired brunettes and help to regenerate the hair following screen: one tablespoon of ground coffee, 5 drops of ylang-ylang and a liter of thermal chamomile broth. Broth strain and should be applied to wet hair. After that, the hair should be put on a special plastic cap and wrap head warm scarf. Rinse the hair after 15 minutes with warm water.
For the time did not pass in vain, and as long as the hair will be restored, you can make yourself a coffee and enjoy its aroma. Thus, combine business with pleasure. Is not this what we are all looking for?
Once you taste the delicious coffee, remove the mask with hair, dry your hair and your skin has acquired a fresh new look, you can begin to conquer the hearts of men, and the originator of impressive results, as you already understood - will become everyone's favorite drink - coffee. From this we can conclude that coffee is a unique product that is not only useful for the soul, but also for the body.
Important! If you liked our recipes, and you're going to use them, remember that coffee should be only natural. Otherwise, you get the opposite effect.
Cosmetics with coffee
Cream for the soul of coffee with cinnamon on Sranrom

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