Artificial tanning - a good thing. It allows you to flaunt sexual bronze complexion, without exhausting itself harmful UV rays in the solarium or under the scorching sun. However, there are girls who can not afford most of the purchased products. The reason - the allergy. But there is a solution - make the home safe means.
Rules applying tanning remain unchanged. First meticulous care for the skin: moisturizing, waxing, peeling. Then applying bronzer composition. All these steps can be done with the means made their own hands, so as not to "wake up" allergic reaction.
Scrub for sensitive girls
Tanning will even only if the skin is peeled from the dead and dry skin particles. Will a simple and secure home scrub. Recipe shared actress Emma Stone. As you know, this girl is suffering from allergies to cosmetics. She did not just accept that it is almost impossible to do. Emma general uses such compositions in which there is only one ingredient. Even a little of makeup suits her, even though she is the face of cosmetics Revlon.
On the website of the US Cosmo published an interview with Emma Stone, there is an actress and has advised a simple scrub all who suffer from allergies. Exfoliant, it makes baking soda or brown sugar. And yet! Effective and non-allergenic exfoliating.

Shaving Gel for Sensitive Skin
The lack of hair on the legs - the main condition for a successful and smooth tanning. We need 100% natural and safe structure. And also easy to implement and affordable. There is a recipe: aloe vera juice and olive oil. Mix them in equal proportions should be: the optimal number - 5 teaspoons of either ingredient.

Wash your feet with warm water, apply makeup to his feet and carefully shave. It is best to shave their legs for the night so that the skin was able to calm down. If you do this day, after shaving legs should be washed with soap and water, the remnants of the gel should be removed, because the oils are undesirable when applying bronzer. Because tanning oils can go smoothly, stains or stripes.
Home and natural tan
Do you remember what foods are stained yellowish teeth? This coffee and tea. Coffee stains stronger. But the coffee, as you know, it is not safe for allergy-prone skin. It can irritate the skin.

But black tea - good colorant. Moreover, it is possible to saturate the cast with each repeated use. Boil 4-6 tea bags (or 4 tablespoons instant coffee). 10-15 minutes is enough to brew tea. Cool. And applied directly to the skin - a cotton swab or cloth moistened with the composition.
The second way - carrots. However, one gives too carrots reddish color that does not fit all (especially the girls will not work with a very pale skin). But for this you can add in carrot broth of black tea. Carrot broth can be prepared as follows: Dice the carrots and cook in a little water. Water becomes ocher-brown. Then add the broth a few tea bags for 10 minutes. And the composition is ready for tanning.

Home tanning will keep for 3-4 days, but a little stain clothes, so it's best to wear dark or colorful outfits. By the way, a little stain clothes even the best purchase tanning.
Home remedies for tanning (and of tea and carrot) can be applied to the face. A renovate tan body may be taking a bath with the addition of tea, coffee or carrot broth.
Bronzer Powder - Natural and safe
This means there is one more advantage - a divine aroma. Ingredients needed:
- Cinnamon,
- Ground nutmeg
- Starch (corn or potato).
Mix all the ingredients. Play around with different amounts for each ingredient - to achieve the desired color. If the composition is too light for your skin tone - add another ingredient, cocoa powder.

Do not be afraid, cinnamon is suitable for sensitive skin! This structure is safe. Apply bronzing powder can be kabuki brush or a large flat brush for makeup. Places of drawing - the cheekbones, forehead, chin (those areas where the first rays of the sun fall).