Wine therapy - a beauty-treatment, which, as the name implies, uses the best and most useful properties of wine. Wine therapy spa offer in many of Europe and America. You too can join the admirers procedure. Come on, for example in the Spa La Prairie, or enjoy a wine therapy at home.
On the advantages of wine is known to many. The benefits of wine know yet the Romans, and was part of vinomassazh beauty rituals Cleopatra. A good glass of red wine a day is useful for women, antioxidant drink rejuvenates and revitalizes. Antioxidants help to restore collagen give elasticity and reduce wrinkles.
Homeland wine therapy called Italy, Tuscany. Interest in wine therapy in almost all European countries, and in the last decade in the United States, these procedures have become popular in the salons.
The grape wine has a lot of ingredients that beauticians are called sources of preserving youth and beauty skin. And grape stems and skins, and seeds, and the flesh itself include: powerful antioxidants, minerals, pectin, sugar, tannins and vitamins. These elements contribute to the strengthening of the skin, reduce inflammation, slow the aging process. And, of course, do not forget about the last boom in the beauty industry - resveratrol. It is a substance found in grapes helps to improve microcirculation in the skin, strengthen the collagen bonds. But more resveratrol contained in grape wine, reduces the risk of skin cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease and other diseases of the 21st century.

What is the wine therapy salon?
In the salons and spas offer a range of several wine procedures. Here and masks, and vinomassazh and vinoomolozhenie. Pleasure is not cheap, 200-250 dollars per hour of any wine therapy. The client is offered a glass of expensive wine (optional) and procedures based on the different types of wines. Used mainly red wine is richer in flavonoids and antioxidants.
Wine is not only used for the face. For example, in the salons offered wine bath for the feet, as well as sugar scrubs for feet with the addition of champagne. There wine wraps based on chocolate and wine, it's a luxury treatment with anti-cellulite effect. Wine treatments are very popular during periods of honeymoons: spas Italy, for example, offer a whole program of wine for two, including baths, massages as well as a mandatory light dinner with wine and a cheese plate.

Wine therapy at home
As you can see, the value of wine therapy classifies it to the procedure of luxury. But there is good news: wine therapy, we can do at home. Luxury treatment becomes available. And this will help some simple recipes:
This formulation is literally tightens the skin and has anti-aging powers. Honey in the composition of the mask is a natural moisturizer. The result - the skin with a smooth texture and clean pores.
- 1 egg protein
- 3 tablespoons red wine,
- 1 tablespoon of organic honey.
All ingredients should be mixed until smooth and apply on face evenly on clean face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Relax and leave the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes. Eyes can put cucumber slices. After - rinse with warm water, and finally rinse with cold. Pat the skin dry with a towel, then apply a moisturizer.

Mask for skin glow.
Natural ingredients in this mask will clean pores and smooth the skin. Result - shiny and silky skin.
- 1 tablespoon of oatmeal,
- 1 tablespoon of Chardonnay
- 2 tablespoons plain yogurt
Mix all ingredients until a smooth paste, put on clean face and neck, except around the eyes.
Anti-aging mask.
Green tea is a part - is an extra dose of antioxidants along with the wine. Honey and yoghurt - soothing and moisturizing ingredients. The mask makes the skin young and radiant.
- 1 bag of green tea or tea leaves 1 tablespoon of green tea,
- 1 tablespoon of red wine,
- 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt,
- 2 tablespoons organic honey.
Brew a cup of green tea. Heat the honey to make it a liquid (but not too hot), better in a water bath or in the microwave (in seconds). Mix everything until smooth. Share weight evenly on clean face and neck, avoiding the eye area.

• Cream body scrub. Sugar gently exfoliates and honey soothes dry skin.
- 5 tablespoons of unrefined sugar
- 5 tablespoons brown sugar
- 3-4 tablespoons of organic honey,
- 2 tablespoons red wine.
Apply the mixture on your body, massage your skin, then rinse in the shower or bath. Finish the procedure moisturizer for the body.
Enjoy the benefits of wine, using it for its beauty. And do not forget what the Ministry of Health warns: excessive consumption of wine into harms your health.