Romantic bump or a nice artichoke
 It is believed that the name comes from the artichoke north Italian articiocco and articoclos, which in turn evolved from ligurianskogo cocali, which literally translates as "pine cone". Indeed, the base inflorescence artichoke looks very similar to the bump.

The Roman poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus tells of the origin of the artichoke as follows:
Zeus came to visit his brother Poseidon and saw the island ZINARA very beautiful girl, whose name was Kinah.

Zeus fell in love with it immediately and promised to take her to Olympus and make her a goddess.
The young girl agreed. Zeus fulfilled his promise, but he had a wife, Hera, and seeing Kinah Thunder could only in the absence of his legal wife. The girl got bored and she left without permission to his family on the ground, and when she returned, Zeus was furious and so out of anger pushed him returning to the girl that she fell to the ground and turned into a ... artichoke.

 Romantic bump or a nice artichoke
   Prickly artichoke, artichoke planting - Cynara scolymus L   - A perennial plant of the family Asteraceae. It reaches a height of two meters and resembles the look ... thistle.

Leaves pinnately dissected to double the share of a serrated edge, reach a length of 60-75sm.Snizu remind felt. Purple flowers are collected into large flower baskets. Flowering artichoke from May until the end of the summer.

In culinary, medicinal and cosmetic purposes are used baskets and young leaves. Artichoke contains vitamins B, C, carotene, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenolic acids, trace elements.

Homeland artichoke called Africa, and more specifically Ethiopia. Grow it began in ancient times. In the IV century BC artichoke was used as a medicinal and food plants. In ancient Egypt it was used in case of problems with the stomach. In France, where it is particularly popular artichoke brought Catherine de Medici. Artichoke is considered a strong afrodizakom and forbade women to eat.
Marie de Medici also claimed that "the genitals warm artichokes."

I loved the artichokes and Tsar Peter I, said that he even refused to sit down to dinner without the artichoke. On his orders, imported by Russia artichokes grown in St. Petersburg in the Summer Garden. We followed the example of the king and many nobles.

Traditional medicine uses drugs artichoke As a choleretic and diuretic.

- It is known that in 1716 Benedictine monk Nicholas Alexander successfully treated with infusion of artichoke jaundice.
- In our time, the infusion of artichoke is used for atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, rheumatism, edema, and constipation.
- Infusion
1 teaspoon of crushed leaves or flowers to fill a thermos 2 cups boiling water, leave for 3 hours and drain. Take ¼ cup 3-4 times a day.
- Pulp artichoke are eaten daily, it helps to lose weight.

In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, women are already aware of the cosmetic virtues of the artichoke .

- Its juice rubbed into the scalp for strengthening and growth of hair. And inside the juice taken to prolong youth. If you wish, we can use for wiping the juice of artichoke and beyond.

- Lotion from artichoke
100 gr. chopped artichoke baskets pour 100 ml of good vodka, insist 3 weeks in a dark place. Wipe clean oily and normal skin, morning and evening, pre-diluted 1 teaspoon of tincture in ½ cup of boiled water at room temperature.

- For dry skin, a decoction of artichoke
1 teaspoon inflorescences artichoke brew 1 cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drain. It can be used for washing, rubbing and can be frozen ice cubes. They are suitable for all skin types.

- Rejuvenating Mask from artichoke
Grind or young inflorescences artichoke leaves, take 2 tbsp. spoon, add 2st. spoon sour cream and 2 teaspoons of honey, mix, apply on face for 10 minutes. Remove the cloth and wash with warm water, then cool.

- Decoction of artichoke leaves and flower clusters can be used to rinse the hair after washing. They will become stronger and more luxuriant, will grow faster and gain a beautiful shine.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva