Let's start with the already negation: it is - not a list of the 100 best perfumes of all time, but rather a list of 100 fragrances that anyone seriously interested in perfume, a person should try. And maybe just a long list of fragrances: good, bad, nice, not very pleasant located at the peak of popularity or long forgotten - providing a sort of general introduction to the topic of modern perfumery.
Some scents are included in our list, because it is eternal, others - because they are so popular, it would be wrong if you do not know anything about them. Several flavors here just because they are so unusual and fascinating that it is not worthy to be noticed, and a few - simply because I just love them, and I think that most are experiencing the same feelings, though, many of my not included in the following list.
Like all such lists, it is a purely subjective, so that each product you can add the phrase "in my humble opinion." There are some perfumes that do not raise doubts about the need to find them in the list (Chanel no. 5, Guerlain Shalimar), but the majority is still open to debate. Some fragrances are not included in the list only because I have not tried, or simply did not appreciate properly.
These included a few men's fragrance, but only a few, as in fact it is - the list of women's fragrances, or appropriate for both sexes.
Aromas are arranged alphabetically by name perfume houses:
1. Aftelier Cepes & Tuberose
Natural perfumery - increasingly popular area. Mind you against the use of synthetic materials or not (and, obviously, I - no), it is interesting to find out what can happen when using only natural ingredients. Aftelier - one of the oldest and most famous perfume brands. Shiso, Fig and Pink Lotus - line bestsellers, but my favorite - a dark, slightly rough and sexy Cepes & Tuberose. They have a variety of designs available, but if you've never tried something completely natural, podgotovtec to the shock of what he saw the price tag: natural ingredients are not cheap. For a complete distinctive approach to natural perfumery, fragrances, try the following:
2. Annick Goutal Eau d'Hadrien
3. Annick Goutal Eau de Camille
4. Annick Goutal Songes
Eau d'Hadrien was on the list because I wanted to see at least one decent citrus fragrance in the list. Citrus fragrances rarely are marked with "Best Of", but I think that their interpretation committed not only very exciting but also quite difficult to create as perfect oriental perfumes. Hadrie - quite a good choice for the beginning of our study: it is widely loved, although I prefer something more interesting, such as Eau du Sud. The other two fragrance lines also are worthy ones.
5. Antonia's Flowers Tiempe Passate
Forgotten gem. I was surprised to see two mentions of this perfume to some article on "undervalued perfumes of last year."
6. Aquolina Pink Sugar
It also smells grand as its name. In the list of best-selling Sephora Aquolina Pink Sugar was almost always (at least, the past few years, but this perfume - almost an eternity). Even if you are not directly confronted with the aroma, you probably felt it in the streets of their city.
7. Bond no 9 Chinatown
The best of this line, which quickly established itself as a player on the market perfumes, but Brand Andy Warhol Silver Factory might soon cease to exist.
8. Borsari Violetta di Parma
I can not say much about this perfume, just think that he deserves to be on our list.
9. Britney Spears Fantasy

Aromas of celebrities, in my opinion, this is a thing that simply can not be ignored. Britney's Fantasy is a worthy example of the genre. If you prefer a sweet, young fragrance, Fantasy you might like, if not, as a counterweight to it, try The Fragrance Cumming (quite possibly the only fragrance by celebrities with a sense of humor) and Sarah Jessica Parker's Lovely and Covet (in my opinion, Sarah Jessica Parker - the only celebrity who worked perfume before releasing their flavor).
10. Bvlgari Black
11. Bvlgari Eau Parfumée au Thé Vert
From jewelry houses that "dabble" flavors, Bvlgari probably made the most entertaining performance. Bvlgari Black is included in my list, because it is very uncommon for the generally accepted norms (hey, it smells, it is delicious!) And Eau Parfumée (also known as Green Tea), because he is, in a word, perfect, and none of imitators even come close to it.
12. Calvin Klein ck one
13. Calvin Klein Obsession
I'm not a big fan of fragrances line Calvin Klein, but they managed to make a few iconic items. If you are middle-aged, maybe you have ever used ck one or Obsession. If you want to know what it means to Calvin Klein now - try Euphoria or ck in2u.
14. Caron Farnesiana
15. Caron Tabac Blonde
16. Caron Narcisse Noir
If possible, try all the flavors Caron, but only three of these started their zenith of fame, make a really good impression. My own favorite is - admittedly less profound Alpona. The best of modern times, in my opinion, would only be L'Anarchiste.
17. CB I Hate Perfume Black March
CB I Hate Perfume makes unusual flavors that do not completely correspond to the prevailing fashion trends. Black March - wonderful, evocative aroma, and the name speaks for itself.
18. Chanel no. 5
19. Chanel no. 19
20. Chanel no. 22
21. Chanel Coco Mademoiselle
22. Chanel Bois des Iles
I am not a fan of the first three fragrances, but this perfume, which made the reputation of Chanel perfume at home, and, of course, you have to know them. If you have the time and desire to try everything trio in my opinion, this is - masterpieces!
To be continued…