With the arrival of our market brands such as Mary Kay, Oriflame, Avon, Faberlic and many others, we learned about network marketing. And not just to learn - many women subscribed to a discount to buy cosmetics and (or) sell it to others. How will this affect their lives? ..
Network marketing can be treated in different ways - you can blame it on the "pyramid" can incriminate other flaws. But the fact remains - the woman who even once tried himself as a cosmetics sales consultants, in more or less transformed. And even if they could not make money by selling cosmetics for themselves, they have done a lot. And, above all, improved their self-esteem and feel like a woman again. For many it was a good hobby.
Non-commercial advantages of participation in the network marketing
Obvious advantages of participation in the network marketing (for example, the opportunity to purchase cosmetics and perfumes at a discount) we omit. The ability to not only save, but also to make all depends on many factors - social circle of women, their business activity, etc. This is what we, too, will not speak. It's about the indisputable advantages of non-profit participation in the network of companies that can get absolutely every woman, even if for the time of work, it will sell a couple of tubes of lipstick or cream.
In addition to the sales in all self-respecting company training seminars and workshops where women are taught not only sell, but also to be the face of the product. This is absolutely the right approach for the long term. It is unlikely that the woman who devotes little time to care for themselves, are well able to sell cosmetics. Networker is the face of the brand, and therefore he has to use means and be able to demonstrate the effect of their use.
The seminars and workshops women learn how to care for their skin colors to choose makeup, apply makeup. So even if you're not going to make, you will gather for yourself and a lot of new useful information. Although the information today and so many magazines and the Internet, as they say, better to see once, how to do it, than hundred times to read in an online journal. Workshops are remembered better than the articles - that's a fact.
Holiday every day
To be able to sell it - it means being able to enjoy every day. We all know that not only sold the product, but also the mood that accompanies the sale. That is why companies spend millions of dollars on advertising - to create an image, an image that will be remembered, and that buyers will want to make part of your life.
Therefore networkers are doing everything possible to cultivate in women optimism, the ability to be happy, to enjoy even the most insignificant success.
At the same seminars and workshops cozy atmosphere - women talk to each other compliments, experts point to the advantages in appearance, which can be emphasized by using cosmetics. Such events give women confidence, the ability to enjoy the benefits that they have (but they can not forget, ignore or take for granted). When ten of his industry colleagues will say, what is your line of gorgeous lips, you not only think about it, but will rejoice. And considering that you yourself knew that, just somehow forgot, you do not have any confidence to compliments others.

Inspiring social circle
The peak of sociability in humans accounts for youth and youth. At this time, most people have the most extensive circle of acquaintances - because of school, extra-curricular activities (participation in competitions, cultural events), student parties. Over time, the circle of communication will inevitably narrows. Most often we communicate with relatives, most closest friends (a couple of people) and colleagues.
Participation in the network of the company - it is an opportunity to broaden their dating, meet interesting and motivated people to be inspired, to be able to from a different angle to look at their lives and their problems.
It is also a unique opportunity to improve or recover their interpersonal skills, which many also, alas, partly loose, especially if their work is not connected with the people, but, for example, has to do with computers, paper, technology, etc.
Why hide, some people find themselves in network marketing, especially if they genuinely like the products they sell. They love to learn new products, inspiring talk about them to others, and, of course, happily introduced in the course of the promotions and discounts, which are abundant at each network company.
Networkers, like all the others, too, to arrange holidays, corporate, celebrate the best. For every woman is one more reason to go out, talk on a topic of interest (and cosmetics - just one of these topics). The most active divisions of the companies arrange trips for the rest abroad, participate in inter-regional competitions - in other words, are saturated, interesting life.
So network marketing - it sounds fun and inspiring! What matters is that the product really liked!
Author: Marina Tumovskaya