The fact that the "beauty - terrible force" we see almost every day. After all, sometimes on the screen and even the streets to see people with non-standard approach to improve their appearance. The abundance of tattoos, piercings, scars, tunnels, unusual jewelry and hairstyles - all this can be seen in abundance among representatives of some subcultures. But let us remember the history of jewelry and what goals pursued and continue to pursue the representatives of some tribes, such an unusual way to change your appearance. But some strange and even frightening at first glance decorations had practical value! Let's get acquainted with the strange ornaments of different nations.
Ointment out of the mud
Dirt - that's the best ointment for the body, according to the woman of the Himba people who live in the northern part of Namibia. Every morning, a woman of the people covered with skin and hair an unusual reddish ointment composed of fat, ash, tar bush omuzumba and ocher. After the ointment dries in the sun, it appears that the woman is literally sculpted from clay, which makes it very attractive in the eyes of the men of this nation. One would think: What could be useful, in addition to a kind of aesthetic value in this "decoration"? In fact, this cream perfectly protects the skin of women from the sun.

Ringed neck
The Padaung people are well aware that the long neck women - is elegant and beautiful, but nature has endowed this advantage is not all. Women of the people have found an easy way out: to 5 years on the neck of the girls begin to wear brass rings width of about 1 centimeter. Usually old age on the neck of a woman, there are about 30 rings! It is believed that due to such a large number of rings, or rather under their weight drops the shoulder girdle and neck is not extended, but others argue that the decoration is not harmful.
What is the practical value may be at such a strange decoration? The fact that historically the Padaung people living on the territory of modern Thailand and Myanmar, which were tigers. Thus, according to legend, the neck ring on the neck of women in the attack of a predator makes them less vulnerable. Later, the Tigers have disappeared from this area, and decoration - left and has reached our days.

The holes in the lips, ears, nose,
The progenitors of modern tunnels is so popular among many peoples and tribes stretching earlobes, lower lip or plug inserted in the holes punched in the nose. For example, women of African tribe Mursi (Ethiopia) stretched his lower lip so that it can easily inserted into wooden or earthenware dish, the size of which can reach 15 centimeters in diameter. And the larger the dish, the more beautiful and respected woman standing in front of you! It is believed that the plate in the lip - it is also a kind of amulet: the fact that the tribe Mursi believe that the only gate for evil is a human mouth, and if the plate will block the path, then all evil will be avoided. But there is another version, more down to earth: this ritual was invented for women of the tribe Mursi did not attract male strangers.

Women from other African tribe - Maasai - are subjected to a similar procedure earlobes. They cut a hole in the ear lobe, and then gradually it is strongly stretched. Ideally earlobes should reach shoulder line ...! This "decoration" sometimes has practical value: Masai woman began to invest in the stretched earlobes different objects, such as pipes or tools to perform some work.

Other women went through apatani people living in northeastern India: they make holes in the nostrils and put the plug back. For what? To cease to be attractive to other nations and to avoid abduction and sale into slavery.

As we can see, sometimes even the most frightening decorations, and even now is only a tribute to tradition, used to have practical significance. Of course, no one has canceled, and aesthetic component. As they say, the taste and color ...