The modern world offers a lot of options and the ability to modify his own body, to make it more beautiful, more elegant, more attractive, to draw attention to certain parts of it. And tattoos - one of the most popular ways to get a good, effective results.
Tattoos are addicted to men and women around the world. Color, black and white, both temporary and permanent - they are changing our world, our perception of their own body, our sense of self. Tattoos can affect the appearance and make it more vivid, or to hide the fact that we do not want to show to others. For example, scars. In a word, the tattoo can solve many of the problems of appearance and identity, which explains their popularity.

Influence of tattoos on health
Tattoos - it figures that are applied to the skin and, in fact, are the needle contact with a protective cover of our body. Accordingly, the procedure itself can not deal with security issues. There is a risk when accessing infected unprofessional master certain skin diseases, hepatitis, and even HIV. However, today, the tattoo is in great demand, developed universal method of protection, all the needles are special handling, so the risk of getting something in the cabin is minimal. Note that when a bad drawing of blood clotting is not advised to fill. In extreme cases, the procedure is best to take medications that promote blood clotting.
In addition, you need to very carefully consider the pressure, especially if it is high. Before packing pattern normalize the pressure better or transfer process at a more favorable time.

If wishing to apply tattoos increased skin sensitivity or allergic reaction to certain substances, it must notify the master. In any case, it should not start from the image of a large size, because your body has no experiences with this kind of modifications. Therefore, if you are afraid of unexpected reactions and surprises, you can first try to put a small symbol.
What helps to hide a tattoo?
Tattoos today can not only focus on certain parts of the body, the skin tone to emphasize or inflated muscles. Elegant and bold patterns are capable of beautiful and elegant hide certain flaws. For example, they can be fairly easily beat the scar. Ugly mark can turn into a beautiful artistic touch. However, we must bear in mind - in the scar tattoo is done. But around him - as they want! Because of this, you can turn an ugly scar in an excellent background, the continuation of an abstract pattern, blade, drop, icicle, smoke or fog element. Or even part of a phrase. Much depends on the size and shape of the scar, much - from its location or the skill of a professional, to which you have applied.

However, the scars - it's not the only thing that can now hide the tattoo. If you can not, for various reasons to remove a mole or pigmented spot, they too can be part of a rather amusing and intriguing plot. Especially beautiful, many professionals can beat the place where the mole - a lot. Between them gently held a variety of line and thus the human body can appear a real treasure map, patterns, or even something like a heraldic tie.
Many of the girls genuinely upset when discovering in his neck uneven hairline. However, for an experienced tattoo artist and it's not a big problem. It is possible to represent the waves, mysterious symbols, write a declaration of love or a guy to do this particular kind of flavor, which will emphasize the uniqueness of this young lady.

The strength of the beauty of tattoos
The reasons for tattooing can be called mass - starting and ending with the psychological status. It's no secret that certain images are very often in a particular environment may give members of particular groups, point to "own" or emphasize the special status. However, in the first place, such patterns are applied to the skin for aesthetic reasons. At least today. Imagine - your back, neck, shoulders and legs can become the backdrop for a work of art! Many are involved with such an idea, someone in a hurry to get attention, and who just likes variety. In short, the reason for printing the picture really can be a lot. But the result is almost always the same, or rather, a very different - a creative, unusual, attracting attention.

At the same time today the possibility of tattoo artists are such that you can ask to fill pattern, where it will be visible to nobody, except those to whom you decide to show it. This is a good argument for those who fear for their career or reputation. In a word, this tattoo is firmly in our world and in the realm of beauty.
