How to deal with the autumn blues?
 Autumn is usually accompanied by many a bad mood, irritability, poor health. At the same time, we do not even notice how to drive themselves in a deplorable state.

Of course, being in a good mood constantly does not always work, but we must strive to do so! What for? - You ask. Yes, then, that you and will feel better, and will shine in the eyes, and, therefore, you'll look good too.

The question is: how? - If all sides stress weighs on you. You can change all my life, but the courage to immediately change rarely anyone missing. So start slowly moving in the right direction to next autumn was a joy.

We will not give any global tips on where to find a job, how to cope with her husband and children, and a few light in the implementation of proposals on how to reduce stress in your life and paint everyday life with bright colors.

Struggling with stress

Stress manifests itself in different ways in our lives: from throwing around the apartment before going to work in an attempt to find clues to the desire to break the plate, well, at least the wall. To morning started without involving all hands it is necessary to introduce some order in their lives.

1. Gather the evening : Polish shoes, trousers and skirts Iron-on transfer, collect the bag. So you will save up to 30 minutes in the morning. And you can easily have breakfast.

2. Set the alarm for 15 minutes earlier To be able to slowly rise.

3.   there is a good expression of that every rusty pencil is better than good head. This means that We write down everything that is important Or almost everything.

 How to deal with the autumn blues?

4. Make copies of necessary documents And keep all documents in a strict order. By the way, is to make copies of keys.

5. Try to wear comfortable clothes.   This does not mean that the mini-skirt and heels - bad. If convenient to them, it's good. After all, if you feel uncomfortable in clothes, then you start to get nervous, less confident, get better all the time, and, sooner or later, starts to irritate.

6. Learn to prioritize . Even in small things. And the need to break large tasks into smaller ones, to know where to go and how much is done.

7. Put the goals for themselves .

8. Delegate authority . Closing the circle of responsibility for yourself, you're doing the victim. And the victims are not interesting. And arrange for help and motivate - it is always possible. Even if you have two children and her husband.

9. Regularly eat. Refusal of food provokes stress. So why is it you! Even if you lose weight, you can always find time for that meal. Diet recipes, as well as products abound.

 How to deal with the autumn blues?

10. Take care of yourself.   It's so nice to look in the mirror when you are satisfied with the reflection. And, besides, well-groomed man - confident man, and thus increasing chances to achieve something in life.

11. Decorate the home.   Typically, spring and summer decorating apartments offer bright fabrics, paintings, etc. So keep this spirit and in the autumn. You can always add a drop of sun and color in life. Make regular purchases for the home. It's so nice when you are surrounded by beautiful things.

12. Procedure in the apartment, bag, desktop   - One of the options for reducing the stress.

 How to deal with the autumn blues?

13. Carry out an audit of finances at least once a week . To 0 on the credit card and flies in the wallet did not become an unpleasant surprise. It has long been proven that keep the family budget is helpful. And there are enough ways to choose the one that suits you exactly.

 How to deal with the autumn blues?

14. Do not be lazy . After laziness - the main enemy of a happy life.

15. Relax.   Even if the work of Abraham, and the homes of millions of cases. Find at least a couple of hours on the weekends to do their favorite thing.

Uplifting . As you lift your mood? And often you do it? But joy can be found in the details! So, here are a few suggestions for raising the mood!

We are doing sports . It has long been proven that exercise causes our body to produce the hormone of joy. But excuses not to go to the gym, run or train at home have not diminished. And in vain! Not only will raise the mood, so more acquire new acquaintances, improve health, and tighten the muscles.

 How to deal with the autumn blues?

Forgive yourself mistakes and learn to pamper yourself . How many times this was that they had bought a new skirt, dress, bag, etc. on the list, and then we go and feel sorry for the money that has been spent. What for? We earn money to spend. She could spend her husband, children, etc., will spend, but then. Children have everything: clothes, toys, etc., the husband, and that her husband, should he indulge you. The next time you pamper it. Save up for a car, but so what ... In life there are no trifles, and successfully bought suit could lead to a whole series of pleasant changes in his life. In the end, denying themselves everything, sooner or later you will start to feel like a victim. And then Depression ...

Pampering yourself delicacies.   Once a month, you can treat yourself to something tasty and not the budget. You can go to a restaurant, coffee shop, or buy food and cook something myself.

Write or call friends or relatives . Frantic pace of life makes us forget the loved ones. Meets regularly with friends and family. The exchange of experiences and the opportunity to see his dearest help elevate mood.

 How to deal with the autumn blues?

Watch . How many wonderful things around us. Yellow foliage reflecting in the wet pavement lights, the lights of the windows surrounding the people, buildings, and so on. So just to see the wonderful things around us.

Try laughing more often . Joke, read, listen, look. Laughter prolongs life.

Surround yourself with mug . Bright cup of oranges in a vase, unusual Organizer and more make an ordinary day bright. And what a pleasure for the selection of such things!

 How to deal with the autumn blues?

Regularly arrange spa treatments . At least at home. Here are a few recipes that you can easily try at home. Now a huge selection of all kinds of means to care for themselves. So what are you waiting for! You can even cook some yourself. For this you need the salt, milk, essential oils, dried herbs. A great variety of combinations. Do not be afraid to experiment and search for those recipes that will please you.

 How to deal with the autumn blues?

Help!   We live in times of indifferent people. And it is so nice as we can for someone else to rely on. But we can lean on. Friend, relative, and simply in need. You do not even believe it, but when you help kiddies from orphanages or kitties, dogs, or you participate in the activities of charities, you feel like a real person, and the mood because you helped dramatically going up the hill.

 How to deal with the autumn blues?

In a state of depression and melancholy, we ourselves artificially drives, writing off of the circumstances. Of course, there are moments in life when there is nothing to rejoice. But this goes. And most of all, we ourselves drive ourselves into this state, because we do not have enough experience in life. And who can give us the best impression? Of course, we are !!! Sometimes it is useful to mourn, but only then to start with new strength to live.
Author: Vera Karabutova