Life is so fast runs, bringing into our lives more and more technology that even seemingly familiar to us things suddenly began to change and to grow new features. This also applies to such an indispensable item in the life of a modern woman like scales. Brand Polaris provided a portal for testing myCharm.ru scales floor PWS 1830 DGFI.
We immediately noticed that the scales are very interesting, if not a futuristic design. Black glass weighing platform looks very stylish.
The balance is switched on automatically when you load them. In the luminous display weight is displayed large enough numbers so that people suffering from myopia will be pleasantly surprised. After completion of the measurement of the weight does not change, and a tone sounds. The positive aspects can also include a large range of weighing - from 5 to 180 kg.

The main "trick" of this device lies in the fact that the scales have the function of sync port Bluetooth 4.0 devices
iPhone / iPad / iPad mini
. To use this feature included very detailed, clear instructions included with the device. Especially for those weights in the Polaris developed an application
Polaris Bodyfit
Which is available free of charge in the AppStore.

Here is the registration application:

Using weights
Polaris PWS 1830 DGFI
It can measure not only weight, but also to determine body mass index, reflect the state of the body, measure the percentage of body fat - all of this is shown in the chart.

However, it should pay attention to what
the use of these weights is contraindicated:
- Pregnant women;
- Persons who have implanted pacemakers;
- Persons undergoing dialysis.
The fact that the principle of operation is based on the flow through the human body electric current that could adversely affect the aforementioned groups.
And, as mentioned above, the scales are synchronized over Bluetooth, which means that except the weights and your Apple device, nothing more is required, for example, does not necessarily have a home Wi-Fi.